Just saw Jim Norton live

136  2017-12-02 by aleon33

A few things

  • Kelsey Cook stinks.

  • Jim came out looking even worse than I'd imagine he would. His diet has made him look like a human vulture, and his lifestyle has turned him into an 86 year old AIDs patient.

  • Within the first 3 minutes he threw out a jab at Opie

  • Ended the show with Chip, Uncle Paul, and Edgar. He brought up doing another live Chip Podcast, as long as Anthony was there.

  • Those maroon slacks must be the only pants he has

  • He was pretty funny


His Uncle Paul/Edgar bits stink in person. One dimensional as fuck.

Why is he still yapping about dopie

most of the crowd laughed at he opie line, and even before the show started most peopel were talking about the same kind of stuff as this sub when discussing Opie, J&S, Compound Media, and other comics from the show.

Did people talk about Bill Burrs nigger wife? That's mentioned in the sub.

I love this place

Tsss arrrgh me matey what about this haddock or ye sumpthin arrrgh

Walk the plank

Neverarrrgh i be shiverin' me timbers 'efore i be on the plank arrrgh

Ye scurvy buccaneer.


Arrrgh what's that me matey, morse code arrrgh dot dot ye dash arrrgh

I kept bringing it up to people but then they got all weird for some reason.


How many friends did you make?

It's almost like ‘‘we are the show now‘‘...

Because we're famous, obviously.

any VIZIO talk? dead babies?

"yo, how long you think killakuhn gonna get? I mean, it was an accident...and that Vizio was sick..."

afraid not, sorry.

fawkn casuals

That's coming from a guy who's username is making fun of Opie...


“He was pretty funny.. was?”

You fucked up your quotation marks. What you hauling?

Enough booze to kill the equivalent of 10 alcoholic Big A’s

Your phone crapped out, man. What'd you say?

Don't put "he was pretty funny" at the end of a list of negatives, as if to say, good naturedly, "but all kidding aside guys..."

Hope you die

"how bout a hand for yaself"

Sherioushly, folksh, it'sh all in good fun!

You make fun, but he kills live.

Mainly he kills his future ticket sales.

He'd make some extra dough if he guaranteed showing off Bonnie's Cootchshie.

When you faggots make little quips that you imagined Colin Quin or Patrice might say, do you pretend to be them and read your own post in their voice too?


You wrote it because you're an emotional guy and, during a surge of estrogen, you felt all warm and fuzzy about your recent encounter with Norton and wanted to say something nice and happy about it.

Nobody else was feeling your emotional state, that's why it was disgusting to the reader.

I think he only wanted to say something nice, but you can't do that here. You have to wrap your compliments in shitty insults first

as if to say, good naturedly, "but all kidding aside guys..."

Someone's trying to replicate the show... why do you wanna be Colin Quinn so bad?


I just, feel victimised by how worthless and pathetic your post is. I shouldn't have to read something that embarrassing and weak. You are such a pathetic faggot that I was actually hurt by it

Please link to a clip, any clip, that shows I was trying to "be like Colin Quinn" by saying that. I would love to see you try and back up your impulsive, poorly thought out, faggot post that wasn't based on anything real


I just, feel victimised by how worthless and pathetic your post is.

Now you know how everyone else's feels when you comment on anything

Didn't think you could reference a clip faggot

Don't need to, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you want a clip so bad, how bout you clip your femoral artery

I don't know what you were talking about, and when you re-read our posts, neither did you

On top of that, your face save for not providing a clip was a 3/10 for believability

Glad I'm not you that's all I can say

wait he brings up ant, opie and his characters while doing live shows? eww that's awful

I saw him last year and he also did his characters live. It stunk.

I saw him four years ago and he did his characters live. It was uncomfortable. Especially cause i had a few people with me who didn’t listen to O and A bit were down with going to a comedy show. I felt embarrassed.

lol I would've too. I went by myself like a cunt loser but I still sat there feeling awkward when he did them, because they went on a little too long. Plus before he does it he says 'here's the part of the show where I do chip and uncle Paul for those of you who aren't familiar with it....'

imagine someone who has never listened to O&A expecting to laugh and they get THAT, trololol

if you're doing bullets, you don't need a period at the end you fucking animal

Notice he only does it for the first few. He’s not even consistent with his retardation.

Or maybe he is a quick learner

Then he should have corrected his prior mistakes, no?


Fair enough

it's not worth to correct past mistakes. leave them as monuments to your growth of character

what was the opie jab?

he was saying something about how if you watched a rapist fight a pedophile there would be no heros and everyone in the video would be hateable, kind of like watching a radio host fight a producer. Something along those lines.

I still wana see Kelsey cooks asshole

As do I. And that is the sole reason she is able to make a career as a comic.

I want clinical pictures or video of her entire body.

That’s delicacy in China right gang

I wish I saw him dead

The funny thing about Kelsey Cook was that she wasn't expecting to get the ol' MAKEAPP treatment, because she probably thinks she's too low level for anyone to give a care. Whoever made that post about the women of O&A getting MAKEAPP'd obviously ruffled her feathers, enough for her to post about it (She took it down tho).

What did she say? On reddit?

I think on twitter or instagram

Clearly not bothered. Women are so predictable

OP is opie confirmed.

Kelsey Cook is proof you can't succeed as a comedian on looks alone. Had the misfortune of seeing her two nights in a row at different NYC clubs and wanted to auto-erotic asphyxiate myself.

Seeing him in Chicago this Friday. Will applaud at the end then head home

Wish you were heading to a bullet!

Yeah you were heading to a graveyard!

it's Chicago, he probably is

Doesn't happen to rich white people


The mayor's son got jacked. But they are spics.

Emmanuel? He's a midget kike.
If his kid got jumped it was probably orchestrated as part of a larger plan.

I saw Bob Kelly last night. He killed. His belly is very large, but if he could just drop 35 lbs and maintain it, he'd be ok. There were multiple times I did feel like I was watching Col Kurtz doing standup. But he was great.

That Cook bitch and her unusually large head ...just watched (part of) the clip of her at Gotham CC on YouTube and that might as well have been open mic night. Sounded like it. Holy fuck

I've seen open micers that are leagues more funny. It's embarrassing too, because you can tell she's trying to have her act and delivery be similar to Jimmy's. She's just awful

Was it the Bethlehem show?


Nice I was there too,Kelsey sucked but I liked Jim

human vulture is the best description of norton i have heard up to this point.

I saw him in Sweden six months ago. He wore those same pants.

Jim isn't bad, but I hate the personality he has on stage. It's almost the polar opposite of who he was on the radio.

The way he acts up some bits for the final punchline can make me cringe. Had him on spotify lastnight and zoned out during about 90% of it. Only really tuned in during the Anthony Cumia bits.

Saw him in Denver last year. Kelsey Cook opened for him and was so bad. I was pretty high and afraid I wouldn't be able to enjoy Jim, but I did. She is just terrible. I think he likes having a female opener just so he can hang out with her on the road.

That's the only reason he has female openers.

Then he should have corrected his prior mistakes, no?

I saw him last year and he also did his characters live. It stunk.