2018 predictions

22  2017-12-02 by Paulson3lt

Jason Ellis comes out as trans.

Big A dies.

Opie gets a job as an announcer at hockey arenas.


Yea a job at hockey arenas selling shooting those T-shirt’s out of them guns and shiznit.

The channel finally disappears without a trace

Worth it to get rid of Ellis.

I don't know what the equivalent of the USHL is out East but that's the highest level of announcing he'll be doing. Maybe Independent League baseball.


Everybody will be exactly in the place they are now except sadder. Anthony will be back to hosting the show solo after Artie dies, Opie will still doing corny teases on Twitter and Facebook as his personal life is in shambles, unbeknownst to us. Jim will still be doing borefest radio with that cro-magnon jiz guzzler, will further be enveloped into his Chip persona, and if he isn't still being manipulated by that Norwegian ladyboy, he'll be in an abusive relationship with Mary Jean.

There is one shining, shimmering beacon of hope: Dennis Falcone will still be human perfection.

Opie gets divorced


Good thing rags and Islanders are shit.

  • Anthony will somehow get a gig back at Sirius on the Jim and Sam show, only to fuck up 2 months later after going on a rant about blacks on twitter. He is then fired by Sirius and by twitter (again).

  • Mary Jean and Bobo start a relationship and have a child.

  • Opie buys a gun and walks through the halls of SiriusXM, shooting people/all of his "enemies" and is then killed by a cop.

  • Anthony rekindles his romance with Sue Lightning, finally giving in to his love of cock.

  • Princess Alena gets back together with Jimmy, only to leave him again when she finds out he can't afford to buy her nice things. In an attempt to win back her love and continue being her prince, he makes another gofundme/indiegogo fundraiser, taking thousands of dollars from truckers.

  • Sam's wife leaves him for some 1980's WWF jobber. She also pulls a Travis and leaves the kid behind. Sam will walk in one day and find his son on the floor, putting Sam's Macho Man action figure up his asshole.

  • Artie Lange somehows survives the entire year, despite having 23 hospitalizations, including 2 suicide attempts. Keith the Cop will be responsible for those suicide attempts, after trying to negotiate and bargain with Artie to not kill himself. However, Keith being the entrepreneurial businessman that he is, fails both times.

  • Vic Henley will never be seen again with Opie.

  • Anthony will do a whole lot of fake laughing as money continues to flee from his back account, thanks to Missy, Brother Joe, Keith.

  • KillaKuhn will make a jailbreak. He would have gone completely free, except he stops by here and posts on the board, giving up his location and he's re-arrested. The sub rejoices.

  • We get Brother Joe vs. Stinks on The People's Court.

  • Danny Ross finally meets his stalker, only to fall in love with him.

  • Somewhere else from this sub will end up killing another human again.

She also pulls a Travis and leaves the kid behind.

oy vey

The sub rejoices.

That would make my year.

All I know is we're gonna get a major death, maybe even one of the big 3. We're so overdue. The O&A universe proves that Lewis Black was right when he said, "The good die young, and pricks live forever"

Scorch gets syndicated

  • Scorch lands his big role as tom cruise's sidekick in the new "The mummy" sequel

  • Opie, while fishing on the beach, does a slow walk into the ocean and never returns. His wife never notices hes gone until she's called by the police saying they found his body washed ashore in some 3rd world shit-hole where the locals fucked his corpse

  • Artie dies and eventually, ant joins up with jimmy after Jim & Sam fails.

  • Sam dies due to an only chicken nugget diet

  • StinksKC drug overdose

This sub gets banned by Reddit fun police.

Joe Matarese's Career takes off and he replaces C.K. as the comedic art house film director

We become a Jason Ellis sub and spend most of our time catching-up on his old clips.