Last last Jimmy was in Philly and at the end of the show came back as Chip and riffed for about 10 minutes. Comment?

51  2017-12-02 by aPersonStranded


it's about the only reason to go to a Norton stand up show

Oh shoOore

I'd consider seeing him if only ten minutes are of jim

how was the crowd reaction

I wanna see him do chip in front of people who are just stand up fans and have it bomb so badly

isn't that the point of chip?

No. Most his fans are in on the joke.

Doing it in front of people who aren't in on it is the best part.

He should so slots on shows in clubs and open mic nights if the wants a true reaction from a crowd. Even then people will be in on it he's not going to bomb in front of fans who get the joke.

fuck that's actually a good idea, but he's probably too well known at this point.

100% could do it in London

Good point, he's over there soon I think

so all those years of Jimmy trying not to be a hack comedian by talking about sucking dick & trannies failed as he is now hitting it big by portraying a character who is a hack.....

He was honing his craft, civy.

Jim is transitioning to becoming Chip full time. By this time next year Jim Norton will be no more.

Finally a positive change in the O and A universe.


Oh you didn't hear.

Chippa Dice Clay

Oh no, what a loss.

I don't know if this is better or worse than being a prop comic.

Jirn Wigwearer

Another post that wasn’t proofread

how much does a meet and greet with chip cost?

$49. Just kidding, even Jimmy isn't self-agrandizing to charge people $49 to meet him. Can you imagine what kind of jackass would do that?

Last last? You're retarded.

They used to call him aPersonStranded Two Times.

"Im gonna go make the Reddit post, make the Reddit post."

He paid to see morton

i might’ve actually went if I knew chip was gonna be there

What if...... Jim Norton is just a Chip character?

Always a good comedy reaction when the joke is better than the first act.

I do like Chip more than Jim

Jim Norton opening for Chip is a good move. Start with some spoken word about trannies and self hatred and then have some comedy.

Underrated comment

Billy the Bass Man can close.

Shitty brown pants ✔

Why do vos and Jim dress like cholos now

Jimmy is becoming Carrot Top?


Fingers Chip makes an appearance in London! Or Edgar...

last last


Who would pay to see Jim Norton? I've seen better stand-ups at an open-mic

isn't that the point of chip?