I actually have PTSD. If you're on this sub complaining about depression, just fucking kill yourself

0  2017-12-01 by TonyFromLongIsland

But not before you go and see Rich Vos, live at the Velveeta Room, Friday, December 8th in Austin, Texas.


These will never stop being funny, because that would imply they ever were.

Pleased To See Dej Jam's first white comic.

(((Rich Vos))) everyone!!! Give em A hand!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tarar ta ra ra...

Good, I hope it's difficult for you.

This comment is not PFG.

The depression posts are as PFG as this one. No one cares about your suffering, faggot.

I'm speechless.

GuYs I rEaLlY hAvE PtSd aNd Am DePrEsSeD kEn FrEsNo Is SmArT

VoS raHls rE orIginAL anD NOt for unfunny faggOTs

Your entire post history is Chip references. You're an original, funny guy IRL. I can tell.

Your entire post history is Chip references

Haha u mad, faggot. Rest was tldr.

Must've been wordy as a muuug.

U mad as a muuug.

Haha, Chip! I get it.

U mad.

Who could be mad with so many great Chip references around??

U mad.

I'm having fun with you :) I'm literally over here LMAO'ing in my mansion at how pathetic you are. Also my trophy wife thinks you're a fag. You're probably a virgin in your mom's basement wishing you could find out what a pussy feels like for once in your life. LMAO nice life.

wordier than a mugg.

U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


U mad.


Lol. Pathetic faggot's bait didn't work. Back to being a stinky neckbeard in your discord.



I know you'll keep re-reading this thread, just another opportunity here for me to say I win, u mad, faggot ;)

Keep re-reading this thread like I know you are, I win. U mad ;)

I know you're refreshing this thread and my account looking to see if I've moved on from you haha I win. U mad, faggot ;)

Did you check today too, angry faggot? I know you did. Toodles, u mad ;)

Tss, wat do they serve Mac & Cheese or sumptin.

I think I have PTSD. Once I was alone with one of my fucked up friends and for some reason he took a shotgun out from behind the his couch. Cocked it. And held it against my chest. I was depressed at the time so I didn't even react. He just held it there for awhile. Then he walked over to the window and shot outside.

It somehow wasn't a big deal at the time, but sometimes I kind of tweak out when the subject of death comes up.

You don't cock a shotgun before you fire it. That only happens in movies. When you move the slide back it spits out the empty shell. Either you remember it wrong or you're loying.

It was a long time ago. After he took away the gun, he fired it.

I believe ya, but my Tommy gun don't.

I have PRE traumatic stress disorder. I fall apart just thinking about possible traumas I might experience.

Tss tss

I wish i could slam doors by you.

I’m sick of Voss promoting these shows and pretending he’s a military vet.

Who could be mad with so many great Chip references around??



Keep re-reading this thread like I know you are, I win. U mad ;)

I know you're refreshing this thread and my account looking to see if I've moved on from you haha I win. U mad, faggot ;)
