How long until Artie starts getting really nasty, personal and passive aggressive with Ant like he did to Nick?

91  2017-12-01 by TonyFromLongIsland

I guess it doesn't matter because, unlike Nick, Ant is a pissy-eyed little nigger man and will just awkwardly laugh it off.


Nick Dipaolo & Artie Lange fall out fight w/ Bonnie Bernstein

it will happen sooner or later. I love artie but he is a giant baby at times and he will pull this shit

tfw I have all those episodes. Nick and Artie was such a great show to watch. It's not all on Artie, though. With the Nick & Artie show, Nick was an over-sensitive cunt at times. Still, they both made for an entertaining trainwreck.

If your partners go-to conversation topic was about the treatment of white men in TV commercials I'd be angry too.

I've only ever seen the final fight. What else went on between them on that show?

Artie wrote and would rap this song about the Giants beating the Patriots in 2012 called "Boston State of Mind" to that Jay-Z song, and Nick would get so obviously irritated. Was actually hilarious stuff. Nick also would always accuse the producer, Dan Falato, of conspiring with Artie and the other guys against him.

Damn that sounds kind of one sided in Artie's favor. What kind of conspiracy did Nick think was going on?

I dunno. To make him look stupid/out of his mind, I guess. Any time Artie would bring up "I worked on the greatest radio show ever for X amount of years" Nick would go "Yeaaah and now you're here so let's do this show, okay?" in a really angry way like he didn't want Artie reminiscing about the Stern years at all.

That's a shame. Nick is so fucking good at standup but he seems to forget being funny on his radio show and sounds like it was the same for Artie & Nick. It is pretty annoying how Artie keeps saying that line over and over for years.

Yeah, Nick can be one of the funniest people alive, he just gets butthurt by stupid shit too easily.

Nick is funny but gets into arguments super fast with most people. He's very confrontational with his opinions.

It's the Bosnian way


Dan Falato

One i away from being bullied.

That wouldn't stop anyone I grew up with...

tfw I have all those episodes

I've been trying to find the one where Artie tells the story about eating 6 sandwiches in one sitting. It was from the first few months.

yeah seriously, upload them and post them here instead of using "That face when" abbreviations you faggot.

That whole thing was Nick's fault, he was being a little bitch about his schedule and getting things wrapped up in time for his shitty bit, instead of letting a natural conversation happen. When you demand the attention while 2 other people are talking, you're probably an ass.

Kind of like how Opie always had to "steer the ship" because they had "lots to do" because he was convinced he'd lose the audience if they didn't talk about The View or American Idol.

have you uploaded them anywhere? I loved Nick and Artie and then the Artie Lange show, all i can find is some guy on youtube with a good amount of Artie Lange show clips of Bocchetti and twins stuff.

Can you me and sweetie and send me some? I'd love to hear some of that show.

Nick's headphones need to be bigger.

Artie needs to be more high on Suboxone

Seriously, have some semblance of self control... goddamn fat junkie fuck!

Weird how you can look at this person and think "Hey. He looks pretty good!".

Its astounding how professional and warm that set up is, set and light wise an ant's gives me anxiety and douche chills.

Because one is a room, the other is a desk and green bed sheet.

Holy fuck Nick is a nagging bitch wife in this clip. For a guy that talks about being a man all the time he's sure acting like he's on his rag.

Love them both but DiPaolo was being a cunt there.


Who cares about the picks? You're plainly wagering bets with no money involved on menial games. Artie is like an older generation of Patrice type guy where they barrel through and everyone gets mad that they talk too much and have too much to say because they have too many thoughts. God forbid we entertain on a radio program.

Artie is an enabled revolting corpse now, but I can't think of many fights where he was actually the one in the wrong. Toward's the end of Stern I found him to be insufferable constantly high and muttering lowly about money, sports, betting, how much he makes in a weekend, how much he let someone borrow, how much someone has to pay him back. He is very grating and he wears people like Howard, Nick, etc. down steadily over time.

I wish he stopped being a mess around the time of this video, he still looked like he had a chance at least

In fairness to DiPaolo, this blow up came after months of Artie acting like an ass and Nick worrying about losing the cushy gig. Artie didn't take it as seriously as Nick, as evidenced by his pissing in a trash can on camera because he couldn't make it to the bathroom, and expecting the show staff to clean up his piss like some kind of convict or baby.

In fairness to DiPaolo, this blow up came after months of Artie acting like an ass and Nick worrying about losing the cushy gig.

So he blew up during a retarded NFL picks segment and put the gun in his own mouth, instead.

It's not like Nick was bogged down with other offers, or was used to seeing that kind of scratch (500K per year).

I'm sure working with Artie was no picnic, but just relax and cash the checks, dipshit.

Sports fans are as bad as Opie fan.

  1. This is 3 years ago? They both look like they've aged 10 years since this, what the fuck.

  2. Was this strictly a sports show?? How boring, Jesus Christ, Nick. 5 minutes of reading sports picks on the air? Who wants to sit and listen to that.

vids like this are like christmas presents

I think it started at bennington's thanksgiving show.

Artie resented being resented for being an unaccountable junkie piece of shit

If anyone has the right to call out a junkie, it is Bennington. He can smell them a mile away.

it was painful. a youtube commenter summed it up "Artie doesn't really fit in with the OnA/Ron and Fez universe"

wow cool i always wanted to know what a youtube commenter thought about it

PM me



Really puts things into perspective

The Howard fight was classic too. It's coming, Artie hates himself and where he's at so he'll take out on Tranth. God bless him for it too.

I can't wait.

True but Howard really instigated that one. Does anyone think Anthony will do the same?

He "instigated it" by trying to get Artie laid.

Come on. The show notes had something like “girl with a fat fetish into Artie”. Howard picked the fight. He expected Artie to shut up and take it like all his other punching bags.

Yeah but the chick was hot. I never understood why he got so upset over that. He was such a touchy pussy, he was supposed to be a fucking longshoreman and the dumbest stuff would set him off. Like a broad on her period.

Almost like he’s on drugs?

I dont care how stoned you are; a hot chick is a hot chick. She liked him.

She was the hottest chcik they ever had up in there!

Clearly you are not on the bro list.

First off, Artie was 300 pounds, had songs written about his weight sung every day, and weighed himself every few months live on air. He knew he was fat and him being fat was a part of the show.

Secondly, the chick came in, she was super cute, super respectful and legit wanted to go out with Artie.

And Stern only came in the next day mad because Artie spent the whole WUS shitting all over him and Levy. If Artie wasn't going through withdraws that week he would have been stoked and would have dated her for awhile.

Ah, I remember that. I loved the “Bro” fight. Howard never sounded more like a suburban Long Island dad then when he was explaining what being a Bro was to Artie.

I think Artie’s reaction was more that he was being treated as a target by Howard the way Howard would treat Stuttering John, Baba Booey, etc... Artie didn’t react well to being the target. Howard had his normal punching bags but I think Artie thought he was in the Robin class. Where Howard would give him shit but not just take massive shits on him like the others. And I agree, it wasn’t that bad of a slight but I’m guessing Howard picked up on Artie’s initial reaction and part of Stern’s genius was recognizing crap like that.

And I’m guessing you’re right, withdrawal anger probably didn’t help. It’ll be interesting to see how Anthony, son of alcoholics, reacts when Artie comes in and flys off the handle because he’s desperate for intoxicants.

It'll be a mix of repeated one-liners, pissy-eyes and a thrown plate of spaghetti against the studio wall.

How the fuck do you know how long Artie would have dated her?

The chick had a boyfriend.

again: Artie on Stern = pussy magnet. Between whores and other whores, Artie wasn't hurting for sex.

She was cute, but nothing you'd stop a trim train for.

Yarrrrr I’m eeeer to fuck arrrtie

Things are gonna happen when you're on the bro list, hoo hoo

You're a retarded faggot.

This was as the height of Artie's Stern-fame. He was clocking hotter chicks on the road, which Howard obviously knew, yet kept pushing the issue for the sake of the (incredibly lame) bit.

Why take things any further after the first "not interested" from Artie? Howard felt a white-hot compulsion to get a guy who was already getting laid laid?

The bit was Bob Levy's brainchild, by the way; revenge for Artie's "who's out there.........." decimation of him on the wrap up show.

No, fuck you.

That's not what happened. He brought in a girl with a "fat fetish" the girl also had a boyfriend. She was really gonna fuck Artie I'm sure.

It'll start with a conflict with Keith. Ant will spinelessly waffle and play dumb until one of them walks (or dies).

Yep. The way I figure it, Keith will ride him a few times about being late, and it will get brought up on air. Anthony will be slightly snarky, but not enough to risk a physical thing. Ends in Twitter fight.

Then a few weeks later: the Anthony and Stuttering John show.

Wow. That's actually very plausible.

prophetic right here

Ends in Twitter fight

Bunch of fucking teenagers afraid to have a real moment in person.

Both hopefully.

not gonna happen: artie will be dead long before it gets to that.

Honestly i dont mind artie being late at all,it does suck when Anthony is in the middle of a story and artie gets there and just starts talking about something else thus we never get to hear the end of ants story

He fucked the kid at the end

He'll even bite one if she misbehaves.

It will happen and happen soon. Just look at Artie, he can't even be bothered to show up on time, he's always a total mess wearing soiled old clothes and when he is there he looks like he can't wait to leave. Anthony will have a private chat with him about it, then Artie will really cop an attitude on air.

Yeah he pretty much talks at every opportunity, if that seems like a guy who can’t wait to leave then good for you. He also says daily how the job is the greatest job in the world. If he’s really pulling in 4K a show he’s going to ride this out as long as he can.

Junkies say all kindsa things.

Ho ho holy shit!

have Nick and Artie appeared anywhere together since their show ended?

They did a podcast together a year or two after the show ended.

I dunno. Ant is really non-confrontational and he gives Artie a ton of leeway. This might be the perfect situation for Artie to ride until his heart explodes.

So Ant will be added to a list of people he has fallen out/gave up on him. Stern (everyone from the show?), Norm, Nick. Even this gig was too good for the useless junkie so that's on Ant at least a little. But I know you all will take Artie's side even though Ant did him a favour and threw a bone.

Pissing Nick Dipaolo of

How is that possible? He seems so happy and calm all the time.

passive-aggressive? absolutely. but when did Artie ever get nasty and personal with DiPaolo?

i wish there was a JAM listener who would autistically break down subtle hints and tells that Jim utterly resents Sam and Sam's passive aggressive retaliations towards his sense of Jim's simmering hatred of him

There needs to be a Nick and Ant show

Ant won’t confront him but he’ll get Keith to tell him to take a hike.

Artie has been good on the show (despite telling the same jokes/stories everyday) but i think Ant has been the funniest he's been since getting fired, he's better with a comedian to bounce off, and he's really good at playing "good cop" to keep someone on the show while they're being made fun, Artie is pretty antagonistic so theyre a really good match.

The fallout of Artie and Nick was more over a combination of their bosses pressuring Nick to keep the show in format and structured and Artie not giving a fuck about structure and dumb radio bits. I also assume Nick wanted to do a more political show, since his SiriusXm show is pretty much all politics.

Irelevent, he'll be dead within the year.

I can't wait.

True but Howard really instigated that one. Does anyone think Anthony will do the same?
