This brave independent lady has some strong views on the role of women in videogames and you better believe she's gonna express them

2  2017-12-01 by fingerofgawd


Thats Dawn Cumias husband

Those are some big hands for a lady.....and an adams' apple.

Wait a god damn second here...

very handsome woman

Join former GameSpot editor and current managing editor of Feminist Frequency Carolyn Petit as she shares her insights about the current state of the gaming industry. Drawing on her unique experiences as a visible transgender woman at a major videogame site, Carolyn will illuminate how certain limiting attitudes and ideas have become entrenched in games culture, and how we can challenge and subvert those ideas. Her talk will explore how game designers, journalists, PR people, and fans can seize the transitional moment in which we find ourselves to help foster a games culture that is truly more diverse, inclusive, and exciting for everyone.

why do these mentally ill faggots have to make everything about them? like they can’t just play games like a normal human being. they have to burst into the room and make themselves noticed and catered to. it’s always a white guy chastising crusade to change the culture and make it more diverse. just play pokémon or mario or whatever the fuck and shut up, or go be a chick with a dick somewhere else.

I'm sure I saw this cunt in The Punisher.

"Games for change"

Why insert your sappy political agenda in a medium meant for entertainment? If you want to make a game with trannies make one, just don't expect people to buy it.

I hate people that speak with their hands like this.

It's a trait of those with lesser intelligence.

That lady's got a peckah

Let me get this straight. This person was born a boy, decides to be a girl, and now makes speeches complaining that all the video games are aimed at boys??

I agree, she's very brave.

America, the only country where someone who can't even connect the dots of reality on who they are as a person gets to decide how other people can do business or play games.

Then tell that dummy Princess Peach to stop getting kidnapped.


you can tell he has no idea what he's talking about due to the constant nervous body language. He just knows he's just stringing bs platitudes together to sound important.

Shit like this is how you know that side of the argument isn't even slightly familiar with the criticisms of their ideology. They go, "people keep telling me I won't stop until every character is a black muslim trans woman, because that's what they think is the farthest possible thing from their precious white masculinity". It's not even a straw man, it's just asserting that your critics believe something that they dont, and then arguing against that as if it's a takedown of the whole patriarchy. No, people have been using the gay black muslim example for years, because your side acts as if demographic membership trumps everything else including merit when it comes to decision making. If you even attempted to learn about the other side of the argument, you'd know this.