
6  2017-12-01 by lowend73



This is what humor has become now; nothing offensive.

After the entire Louie thing we'll see even more unfunny "diverse"(read:not white, heterosexual males) comics in the spotlight.

Better hibernate for 5 years until this blows over...

Or start sucking cock

19,164 points

Upvotes, friendo. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I know, it's fucking shocking.




8===D ~~

See it's funny because it's a dog and a dog would never be elected senator! But we did elect one president, am I right everyone?

Fuck all those people.

S M A L L P A W S 😂👌

I wish I did find this funny. I wish scripted reality tv talent shows that snigger at freaks didn't fill me with feelings of disgust. I wish I didn't feel suffocated by social media culture.

I want to be like those people, I'm jealous of mediocrity. I want to fit in.

Thanks for the soliloquy Ellis "Red" Freeman

Same. All these idiots are happy and I'm just lonely collecting ulcers.

Same. All these idiots are laughing historically to memes and vine videos and I'm just here alone collecting ulcers.

I wish I didn't keep a stone-face whenever someone at work shows me a "hilarious video".

Someone did just that a week or two ago. An attractive women, no less. A video from Ru Paul's Drag Race where two "Norton girls" tried to make fun of stuff with really weak pop culture references.

It made me mad, it was just "Men on Film" from In Living Color but wholly unfunny. After I jacked off I gave it a firm dislike.

Honestly, I appreciate that kind of shit more than the Reddit political circle jerks

This planet needs a plague asap.

Reminder that these people are products of $100,000+ educations.

I fully agree, but since I am Jewish, no gold for you.

Mainstream humor is always going to be safe, mundane bullshit. But the blander it gets, the more underground humor will start to push back.