ME: I'm heating up right now.

2  2017-12-01 by Yaseetheo

What did he mean by this?


that hes starting to get embarassed about something, in reality it was a phrase and concept he stole from Jimmy as opie is incapable of self awareness

I'd like to see a spider diagram showing all of Opie's catchphrases, references, opinions etc and where/who he assimilate them from.

He is legion.

I liked when he would say he would get so mad that he stopped breathing, outting himself as being so goddamn retarded that he has to manually breathe and can actually get distracted enough by his own emotions that he forgets to do so.

I believe it was when Yimmy, Ant and I believe Ari Shaffir were doing Godfather references. One of them brought up the christening scene and Opie says something like "oh yeah that's a real fawkin underrated scene from Godfather 3". Of course everyone was blown away by his stupidity and it dawned on Op a few mins later what an idiot he was.

Yes I'm autistic.

He made two consecutive baskets and is about to go on fire.