This is my Shock Jock. He sold me, my fellow faggots and this great subreddit to the Big Peckah Lobby for $60,000

300  2017-12-01 by ShitpostMalone


Fawwk yeah...Lamar needed the pocket change to buy some Newports.

Shawk Jawk

beeack peeack

r/all has become unbearable

this kids think they're saving the world

Ummmm upvoting can solve a lot of issues ,asshole. Ever hear of awareness??

Never heard of it, what is it?

I wanted to believe...

Yeah. I'm starting to hate Net Neutrality because of them.

Bit much, even for this sub

I welcome the end of net neutrality with open arms because I hate most of the people on Reddit.

Oh now I get the point of these threads. I don't drift too far as to avoid the cesspool that is reddit.

I too was lost. Much like assholes who stick to their specific news outlets that stick to their own brand of politics, I stick to the parts of reddit with horrific memes, dead people, video games and you sockcuckahs.


You're so cool.

You guys spend way too much time on this shitty site.

Time to drain the swamp ass

What’s wrong with his face

He has AIDS

I'm glad people who donated their money to a cartoon project got ripped off. It genuinely makes me happy.

Tired of seeing this shit pop up constantly. It's at the bottom of the the list of things I give a shit about. ENOUGH.

It comes up at least once a week. At least wrap it in a joke cuz. We dont need another "Reminder: Jim stole 60k" post.

This is obviously a joke. I don’t care about those dumbass truckers.

That was the funniest thing he ever did.

Anyone stupid enough to donate so much as a cent to him deserves to lose their fucking house.

He's no shock jock, more like a gay sidekick.

That cartoon is fucking awful what a fuckin loser. It's just as bad a #viralspiral mahhn

What is this parodying?

He sold his soul to Dana White for far less

Topical yuma fawk yahh!!

We need Joctober to return

$55,000 of that went to see a Princess overseas.

He said on J&S he has bought tons of shoes just because, and basically bragging about pissing away tons of money in general. Pretty sure he's a millionaire now. Why the fuck does he need donations for any project????

He has HIV give him a break.

That’s the bit.

I hope he raped you and your Lil buddies right in the asshole, not only financially.

I love how you fags continue to think that if you bring it up, something will change. Queers

Keep reminding this sub so when Jim starts a podcast people don't forget, and gush over his comedic genius. Let's also remember for when he calls someone a ssssscumbag!

This is obviously a joke. I don’t care about those dumbass truckers.

I wanted to believe...