How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?

14  2017-12-01 by TinKnockinMoroccan



Self medication, rub & tugs, and deep delusion.


Video games

You can meet good friends in online games, and you "see" each other on a regular basis. It works because even if you have nothing else in common, you bond around the game you like to play. Same way people take adult classes like sculpture or painting or cooking or whatever. It's as much to learn a new skill as it is to meet people.

I don't.

But coming here and seeing that online therapy advert, targeting me because some internet algorithm that has put me in the mentally ill demographic....isn't helping.

make like $200 get a hot hooker and have sex. Stop being so pathetic.

I don't care about sex. The absence of emotional connection is what's killing me.

then you obviously haven't had sex lately.

I don't want sex.

we love ya bud, put the gun down

I can't find it.


So you are saying you want a girlfriend? You should got to Church. Church singles if you want to meet a good girl. If you want to meet a whore, go to a club. If you want to meet a hot girl, go to the gym. If you want to meet an independent girl, go to community college.

read books, learn new skills, lift weights

Don't listen so much to Joe Rogan

Rogan being a manlet imbecile charlatan doesn't make that advice any less valid

Get a girlfriend?


I think I'm hitting the limit on that before the Navy wants to recruit me.

It made me financially successful

I'd be curious to hear more about that. I've definitely noticed a correlation between boozing and wealth.

Invest in property and stocks, it's lazy as shit. I put in about 1k a week in stocks, it goes automatically and you just grow money. Also, invest in pharma, never fails.

Oh totally. I've been investing since I was in my 20s. I'm in contract to buy another home, and I'm already itching to buy one after that. Literally two minutes ago I was talking to my wife about the fact that our investment portfolio is starting to get to a point where it's earning a significant fraction of what our jobs are.

Which, BTW, scares the shit out of me. Things are going a little TOO well in the markets.

Property never faults to the market if you own it. I make 4x the mortgage on my rental property a month. Keep investing in stocks/property and you'll be done working in you early 40s

Things are going a little TOO well in the markets.

Work on your dividends friend. What's your portfolio look like? Any areas you want to invest? Just do it.

If you push through it and keep isolating eventually you develop a strong aversion to people and then the loneliness goes away.

Yup. Then you start talking to yourself and it feels completely normal.

Until the isolation starts to grind away your soul and you become a shell of a man.

It's a pretty fun ride.

this is good advice

Can you see a therapist? It can be hit or miss, but if you are this far into loneliness it is a real challenge to escape this by yourself.

There are people with souls in this sub.

Stop being such a pouty bitch and girls might want to fuck you.

Get a pet, then realize that it doesn't fill the void and make another post. That should buy you some time.

Also kill and eat the pet

... then masturbate.

Kill yourself

Jerk off, put a shot gun in my mouth, then cry my self to sleep because I am a huge fucking pussy

Do another pop-up show.

Get a dog or adopt a sixteen year old Vietnamese girl

Move back in with your parents so they are there for you when they realize they raised such a faggot, it will be easier to disown you and make your suicide that much more inevitable.

I'm sorry, that was my personal plan. I suggest leaning on friends shoulders and taking it one day at a time.

I listen to podcasts or have the TV running literally all day and if I'm doing something outside of my apt then I have earbuds in. Feels a little less lonely that way :(

Ever walk around with earbuds in your ears and don't have music playing?

happens to me all the tiiiime, im joe maaahtarese

why don't ya just cut the bunk, fella?

Do you have friends or siblings you’re close to, or is it just a lack of a woman in your life?

Speak to your local pastor.

Get a dog. Queer.

Do something. Anything. Then other things will happen. It's really that simple.


Smoke weed until you're too high to notice your misery.

Getting high in the morning is a great way to make a day go away. If you have a real job it can be problematic, but if you have a job for retards or you're unemployed it's perfect. You can easily turn a lonely day at home into an interesting day of videogames or googling random shit.

Become a vegetarian or something and people will realize you're crying for help and you'll get the attention that you crave

Pm me you stupid gay loser.

Masturbate a lot, have 1-4 close friends, and use your time aquired by being single to pursue your passion.

Isolation can be really tough and is a sad reality for so many of us these days. Fortunately there is an easy answer though: sex slaves

I tried making friends when I moved fifteen years ago. I know I'm going to sound like a hermit, but it's just too much fucking work. I have my dumb hobbies and I enjoy them way more than I enjoy spending time with people.

I DID spend a lot of time meeting women on dating sites, and I became friends with many of them, but my motivation to date certainly wasn't to make new friends.

I guess I'm happily antisocial.

I blew up my social life deleting Facebook 3 years ago. Friends are a burden. I have work friends who will be job references when the time comes. Being alone is a gift.

I think I'm hitting the limit on that before the Navy wants to recruit me.

I'd be curious to hear more about that. I've definitely noticed a correlation between boozing and wealth.