How do I mantain my alcoholic lifestyle and still be able to get an erection?

4  2017-12-01 by [deleted]



Hook me up with a script for some boner pills. It's like trying to shove a gummy worm in a coin slot, very frustrating.

trying to tighten a screw with a maggot

Just buy Indian viagra. It’s like $1 a pill. Viagra is $40. It works exactly the same. You can also make your own from a watermelon I think. It’s a pretty simple chemical.

Tell me more.

You give the watermelon to a local back gentleman and he causes you to get an erection while you watch him fuck your gf like the faggot you are.

I'm not a fan of bestiality tbh fam

Get on the Shroomtech and be the hero of your own movie.

Forget about your past failures...

That is a pretty good sales pitch.

Is that like the stuff they used to sell in High Times?

You know how when you die you brain releases DMT and opens a gateway for you to overcome ego and enter into the collective consciousness?

It's like that.

We're all really just made of star dust, the universe experiencing itself.

Mind = blown

I’d did enough. Look it up

start banging trannies. it works for ant.

Seems kinda gay.

Totally not.

We have got the same problem brother man

Maybe just time to use viagra ? see this site