Now we know what jim meant when he used to say “I like a big meaty pussy”

88  2017-12-01 by Time4MooseSoup

That lil mug likes peckah


Who knew that when he was talking about his love of big clits he meant an 8 inch one with a pair of balls.

Fawk yeah and check out his T givin dinner GOBBLE GOBBLE

Yeah I'm gonna assume that doesn't lead to a picture of a turkey

What's funny is that it actually does and its a good laugh

It leads to a picture of a turkey with a peckah

This is one of those occasional pictures on the internet that I would like an origin story for.

Same here

Its the turkey neck and giblet you fucking waterhead

we all did.

Somebody here once put it well; Jim's ideal pussy is that which resembles a tiny penis and a deflated scrotum below it.

Shhhuuure is.

Jimmy: "I love a giant pussy."

Ant: "Yeah, a cock."

How many times did that joke get told?

How many of you homos jerk off to trannies because of Jim?

We knew what it meant when he said it.

He came out finally?