Oh Cumia, what are we going to do with you?

155  2017-12-01 by RBuddCumia


Anthony Cumia is a very ugly man.

He looks so old in this pic.

florescent light is unforgiving

He looks good for a 300 year old ghoul.

his Nsync hairdo says otherwise, my friend

He looks like the old guy from Courage the Cowardly Dog

ooga booga booga

He has a nice smile.

He's the face of a man that hands out pennies on Halloween

This is actually on of the best,if not the best picture of him. 8think about that for a minute*

Did he go to Sam’s barber?

What the fuck

Did you go to Patrice's food guy or something?

You're fat.

I hope they take you back to the jerk store

You’re mean and impotent

Send an ass pic, babe. Maybe you could help me get it up.


He went to the berber

He IS the berber.

The only thing thinner than those lips is the horrible dry hair on his head.

It's what's left over when you burn leaves.

ol' burnt ramen noodle head.

That is so fucking mean and accurate.

This might be the funniest fucking thing ive ever read in my life

Far more disturbing than an obese man taking a runny dump

I just want to ruffle his hair and give him a dog biscuit.

It's individually placed, you know

and they threw in some individually placed barnacles for good measure.

dogs with fake teeth are hilarious

John Sahague would appreciate the business.

You mean John's hog? LOL LOL HO OH HOLY SHITTT

He has a few "good" hair days before it ends up looking like a bird nest again, he should go to John Sahog every week.

sam and anthony are morphing into each other

is this nigga wearing a wig.

Fucking moon faced mo

He took off his hat?

He was pretty ugly in that photo dude.

He shaved the goatee

We need skinny creepy blank hat wearing leather jacket goatee man back

why is he always carrying a backpack?

He's an arab so I'm assuming there's a bomb in it.

Gray stubble and dark hair is a surefire sign of insecure faggotry. You're old, just be old

Hoo hoo, Robin

Plugs don't change color

His hair transplant from like 10 years ago looks like a toupee now, I assume because he has lost additional hair around it since it was done.

I mean he's asking for it taking "selfies" as a 72 year old man but look at you fags caring how some old man looks.
He's funny 70% of the time, who cares if he got a Freddy Kruger muuuug

Dick Tracy hot on the trail of Craterface.

Ant in a toilet at Christmas?


He should say on air that he used howies private crapper. That would send Stern back to therapy for a decade.

looks like grandpa forgot his dentures were not in before taking pic

Ant's not looking so good recently. Is he dipping into Artie's stash?

At least he looks white in this picture.

Send him home to Pakistan.

Gotta kill time waiting for your ride home I guess.

Fucking greaseball faggot

If you take away the fake/color treated hair, he looks like an 80 year old Italian peasant circa 1922.

He is one.

Tom Hanks as a creepy old doll.

Hello, Moe’s tavern.

This is the best photo of his hair restoration that I've ever seen.

The joke might've worked if his face wasn't decomposing. And his hair doesn't match. This is the guy who shit on Howard with remarks like "no man over 50 has no grey hair."

Hoe Lee Shit, tsss are you tryn' to see if your forehead is as big as Sam's or sumtin.

TFW you hear activity on the other side of the glory hole.

Mediterranean Hey Arnold's grandpa


His hair appears to be migrating south for the winter.


Cover up his obviously died hair and he could pass for 85. Also bears a strong resemblance to the pedo from Family Guy.

Is he doing a number 3?

gay, muslim and over 60 is no way to go through life Remember,he thinks he looks good here...

He could star as moe szyslak in a Simpsons live action movie

Anthony has been wanting to trash Opie publicly for decades. I'm so happy for him.