After jim and sam gets cancelled how long until Mary Jean stops responding to their calls

15  2017-12-01 by pta11

Jim being the faggott that he is after the show gets cancelled he will call her and ask her to come to his house to comfort him.This bitch is the type to just block him and then after a few weeks he will realize that she only used him to get on the show and then he will edge for 6 hours over her movies getting all horny over being used like a piece of shit.Sam wont give a fuck because he still has his wrestling dolls to jerk off to.


let's focus on getting the show cancelled first then wonder about the fallout

well if the idots at sirius did their job they would of cancelled it after the first year.Hopefully soon we get to see sam struggling to pay the bills because he has no income

Hopefully soon we get to see sam struggling to pay the bills because he has no income

this makes me so happy

That's weird

Don't see any reason that they won't sign another two year deal next year

This, unfortunately.

I like how jimmy always talked about how he didn’t mind talking to women about guys they’ve been with in the past and that it got him horny. It was only recently I realized it’s because he was thinking about the guy’s dick and nothing to do with the lady.

I don't know what's worse. Getting off to the thought of your woman fucking other men or getting off to the men themselves. That boy ain't right.

Remember how mad he got when one of those pornstars fucked an intern but was gonna charge him? He really thinks women shouldn't have the right to choose their sexual partners (they don't, but still).

Sam has a thinly veiled disdain for Mary Jean.

It's the type of disdain one has for a woman after you've let them suck you off and you regret it and still have to interact with them from time to time.

How could you ever regret having your penis in a woman’s mouth?

You regret it when they won't leave you the fuck alone and they make it difficult to keep your girlfriend/wife from finding out.

I can honestly see her screwing them over before they get canceled.

My prediction is she will ask the worm for her own radio show and he wont be able to deliver then she will get into a fight with him then accuse him of sexual harrasment just like she did to the guy on that gay clip show

Bobbie will storm the SXM studios and take hostages until they hire her little Sammy back.

Is there anything quicker than "instantaneously" ? If so, then that's it.

“Sam won’t give a fuck because he still has his wrestling dolls to jerk off to”

Nice touch sir

That's weird

It's the type of disdain one has for a woman after you've let them suck you off and you regret it and still have to interact with them from time to time.