Why are Ant and Jim scared to say Opies name?

2  2017-11-30 by Lilcumia



Just answered your own question there brotherman

If you say Opie three times you grow tits

Thanks for the tip, my ex-wife needs to try this!

Why would you want your ex wife to have big tits?

So the black gentleman she's seeing now won't take his current girl.

That's what happened to joe derosa

If only saying it gave him shoulders

Because he's likely a litigious piece of G and would find any reason to get lawyers involved. He has literally nothing else going on in life.

If I were Ant I would welcome a frivolous lawsuit from Opie. Ant works 20 hours a week, it's not like he doesn't have time to go to court, and it would give him something to talk about on his show which no one watches.

You under-estimate how much he loves hearing his name, and just how much the plausible deniability drives him insane.

Maybe Ol' Fun Bags made em sign a contract back in the day, saying they can't talk shit if they ever split up.

Take a second and think about what you just typed.

At this point they feel like its punching down

this leads to a radio war and only the one who's been doing radio since 3rd grade can win that war

Why would you want your ex wife to have big tits?

If only saying it gave him shoulders

If I were Ant I would welcome a frivolous lawsuit from Opie. Ant works 20 hours a week, it's not like he doesn't have time to go to court, and it would give him something to talk about on his show which no one watches.