Jim was recipient of the handy that MaryJean gave a few days ago

3  2017-11-30 by PrincessSaga

MaryJean is in studio. I'm convinced that she was talking aboutJim

Mj twitter


Handjobs? What're we, 12?

I'd rather jerk myself off than have that Mexican she beast come anywhere near me, bitch prolly smells like Taco Bell wrappers

They need to just stop it with this bitch. She’s obnoxious. We get it, she’s hypersexualized. She likes it in the ass. She likes to suck cock. Sure, whatever. Enough!

Are her titties natural? If they are, I'm kind of impressed.

Helllllllllllllllllllllll naw!

Well, that makes me feel better about myself, then.

Show us your mammarries, please

Thank you so much for asking. It was beginning to hurt my feelings that no one asked.

She actually doesn't like it in the ass, I looked into it. She doesn't do it in any of her porn.shes fucking ugly anyway, fuck her.

Those tits look heavy

So does the rest of her.

Can’t lie I’d donkey fuck the shit out of her

You wouldn't put a dent in that monster. Stop.

The comments are sad and pathetic. The internet really is overflowing with lonely creeps that think "I wish you would jerk me off, too" is a funny, endearing sentiment.

's nuffin to brag about.

Right? And then he was all cool and standoffish with her in studio.

Dont forget, they're "just friends." There's nothing sexual between them when they hang out. Because Mary Jean seems like a brilliant and well educated conversationalist, and who WOULDNT want to hang out with her even if there was nothing sexual involved?

I think that used to be true, in that they used to hang out and not hook up, and it's recently changed.

It was never true, James "Sex Addict" Norton only ever ever EVER hung out with her in the hopes that they would fuck around. Please.

"In the hopes of" definitely, but I think they actually hooked up for the first time this week. And it was a shitty handy. And now he's acting a bit aloof with her on air.

no chance he'd cheat on his "girlfriend"

She has a date with Nico from the show according to her Twitter. Jims limp soldier ended his chance.

She's taking him to the AVN's she asked Jim and he demurred.