Never forget: This man felt genuinely sexually threatened by Chip Chipperson

267  2017-11-30 by fingerofgawd


Dave smith is a useless loaf of dogshit who's very presence on a podcast is like a cancer. Dave smith fucking sucks.

One might say he is a... shitloaf.

I can't believe more has yet to come from Lauren. So she just totally quit comedy everything after like three years without telling anyone why?
I think she needs a good social media prodding.

It sounds like she wants to Mrs goyim housewife and leech of Mr (((Smith)))

Leaving comedy was the smartest thing she's done

She left for a career cracking nuts with her steamshovel chin

Shoveling coal

Her chin is a shovel.

Get it? Because it's large...


This guy gets it!

STEAMSHOVEL! I chuckled.

Probably went into the witness protection program to get away from Norton.

Also, what job could she possibly get with that chin?

Double bombs sock cukah!

I bring nothing to the table.

Uh oh, big Jay and Luis are being funny and carrying the podcast as usual, I better butt in with a somber explanation of laissez-faire capitalism

Also the “Uh oh, Big Jay and Luis are willing to go along with a comedy bit. I better act like I’m too cool & above it when in reality it’s because I’m insecure and don’t believe in myself comedically”

He is such deadweight.

But his Luis J. Gomez impersonation really ties each episode together. It's so good!

He looks like the type of dude who believes he could of been a model 9r mathematician if radio didn't get in the way.

could of

Did you mean could've?

I am a bot account.

Buried that sockcucka!

I like this shitty bot's passive-aggressive name

It's a real bag of shit, but accurate at the same time.

This is now the only acceptable bot

it would have been way worse if he was sexually threatened by Jim Norton.

yeah but that would only happen if Lauren had a giant nordic cock

Norton's AIDS is the most threatening thing about him.


Yeah... he took his tylenol. That shit cure everything!

Women are the only people sexually threatened by Jim.

As he should.

Who wouldn't?

Yeah he's like... fuck'n... Chad Chadderson or some shit

Also don’t forget that jim has become background noise since calling Dave the same.

Even though that was fun, let's get back to reality.

Lauren left because Jim and Bob are two unattractive, socially maladjusted, jarringly abrupt, sexually obsessed older men.

A moderately decent looking girl her age just wants to did a cool guy And cool friends to take pictures with to post on Instagram for her family to see, and vice versa. She doesn't want to be on a show with an old, bald slug asking about her "cooter" and rustyperiod blood.

The moment I think she got weirded out over the top was when Jim showed the Rock and Ricky Gervais videos, without her knowing about it. He thought his would be a nice surprise, which shows how out of touch he is with the female mind.

It was at that moment she realised it had gone too far. She only wanted Riotcast be and stupid stepping stone into a comedy career she was passively attempting to start. She would endure the ugly, irrelevant old men and footer comments and hope nobody in her social circle would notice too much before she moved on to the next thing.

When Jim showed her the celebrity videos, she realised she was forever marked as being "Chips girlfriend" in the eyes of the public. No matter how far she gets, any biography would have to start with that

Doesn't it seem odd that she would stop doing the show after that happened? Wouldn't someone be excited to be addressed by celebrities, if it was a project they weren't ashamed of?

If Jim had asked her about the Rock and gervais videos first, she would have nicely asked him not to show them and then said she didn't want to do the podcast anymore, and wouldn't have done the life show at all.

Let's be honest. That's what happened.

You sure do have a long-winded, strong opinion on this topic.

Ya, girls hate attention and don’t want celebs mentioning them in vids.....

No shit. Then that faggot had the balls to end his retarded musings with "Let's be honest. That's what happened." Infuriating.

Okay Dave...


Libertoss this shit in the garbage

Yours is much better

I schumered it from some guy who said it when this dave shit happened

Her excited recap of the live show on YKWD doesn't sync up with your theory. She was only concerned with the fact that the Rock and Ricky were talking about her. Even more telling was that Dave Smith was on that episode and appeared irritated by her and Bobby's retelling of the story.

Nah she left because the money was shit

She left because she wasnt fit for comedy. She isn’t funnycand she is way too sensitive to be in tje public eye. She just stinks, it’s not some big secret.

Yeah nah bullshit girls want attention, which Lauren got plenty of from Chip and us creeps

She didn't want to leave the show until she started dating Dave. It's painfully obvious what happened, Dave is a stuck up unfunny neurotic Jew and probably convinced her that the Chipperson show wouldn't benefit her career or some retarded shit like that. Like OP said, he genuinely felt threatened by how easy Chip and Lauren's flirting was. Even if it was fictional, and insecure faggot like him couldn't handle it.

Her biggest mistake was ever thinking Dave Smith had any intelligence or potential in life.

Good post overall, but you're missing one key factor that someone (Luis?) brought up: girls are too insecure to fit into the "ball busting" genre, and attractive girls are the most insecure of all. Every "edgy" female comedian you can name - Sarah Silverman, Amy Schumer, Kathy Griffin, Chelsea Handler - you don't have to look that hard to find them whining about how upset they are about their feelings over some issue.

Attractive girls from the age of like fucking 12 get told by every male they come across how beautiful they are. They get used to guys complimenting them to try and get in their pants, with the worst insults coming from other girls out of jealously - "oh my god, Lauren looks like such a trashy slut". So she goes on the podacast, and it's all happy and fun at the beginning, but then someone mentions her chin and it starts.

It gets worse - people compare her to Jay Leno, make photoshops, unlike the old fart comedians she knows how to use reddit where people are talking about her. She starts covering up her chin in instagram photos. Starts making small jokes about it on the podacast, but it's an uncomfortable laughter. Chip and Lauren being together was part of the bit - but Lauren's chin was reality, and Dave doesn't make enough money to get elective chin reconstruction surgery. Some office job, in some corporate environment - nobody's gonna say shit about her chin.

They'll still think it, though.

from the age of 12

Oh no I don't go for that at awwwwll. Gotta tell a gerhl how pri-ey she is from da crib.

If you really think she wasn't part of the bit with Ricky and the Rock then you're a silly goose, Jim said of course she knew about it IT WAS PART OF THE BIT!

Listened to the riotcasting couch Dave couldn't have been more clear; lauren gave months notice to Bobby who wanted to tell Jim also she hasn't liked Bobby or Jim on a friendship level in months they ARE NOT COOL. all this before chip tirades about a guy that we jump on and gloat about teasing while the man is literally out at sea at the at the time, thank you for being reasonable in a sea of faggots. hypocritical jim doesn't deserve to throw shade anymore. He's a phony.

Even if she hypothetically didn't like being namedropped by the Rock then fuck her. Unappreciative cunt.


are you a brit fag

It looks like he's sleeping (left cheek down) on an invisible pillow if you rotate that photo. Or he's just slowly melting.

I posted this on Instagram and tagged every comedian that has anything to do with Dave

You faggots are so tightly wedged onto the worm's cock hole it's unreal. Dave Smith is a boring cunt but Jim acted like a complete gay bitch throughout the Lauren saga. Without knowing a single fact, he attacks Dave's legitimacy as a comedian on air and plays some queer as shit game of hypotheticals. Jim is a backstabbing, overly sensitive piece of shit and the quicker you sycophants come to realising this the better you'll feel.

I agree, However the Dave Smith bobo impression is the funniest thing him has done in years

Him be dead wid laugh, tallawah bumbaclot.

jim norton is disgusting

Yeah and Jim's, "I don't know what happened! Did I make her feel uncomfortable? I don't think so. I asked her all the time!" was insufferable. He's such a weak-willed, unstable individual that his only two modes with women are "perverted creep" and "totally not perverted creep, I swear!"

Oh so now you guys don't like Jin bashing shitty, hacky comedians? It's not like Bobby or Vos, criticizing Dave Smith is hardly a "backstabbing."
That day was the funniest Jim has been in all of J&S, dumb fag

If you'd take your puckered lips away from Norton's cock hole for a second you'd see him more for the faggot worm he is. Most of it is the hypocrisy wrapped around his slimy body.

  • He talks often with authority about comedians doing shitty things to each other and then goes ahead and broadcasts how shitty a comedian is based solely on a personal issue

  • He continues to use the show as a vehicle simply to satisfy his base pleasures. Porn stars, Hollywood fags, mma fighters - nobody wants them. And if you challenge him on it he yells baby boy, sweetie and then tells you to 'turn the channel, stupid'.

  • Whilst Burr, Bobby, Soder, Luis etc really overwhelmingly defended one of their own after losing everything in an over the top reaction to Louis, Jim threw him under the bus on national radio and then in that infamous article

  • Any time somebody doesn't do chip he freaks out like a child. Speaking of which the podacast is terrible and if you're still listening to that you're a fag queer who should fight traffic.

There's much more but I'm taking a shit right now and can't type and squeeze my asshole at the same time. tldr: youre gay.

First off, Dave's a bland faggot who shouldn't be a comedian. That said, it's fucking hilarious that Jim ever thought Dave was threatened by him. He's a 50 year old eel who happens to walk upright. He's so delusional he thinks he's able to engage in relationships with 20-somethings with impunity. Lauren quit because Jim and Bob are impossible to work for and she doesn't personally like them. It's fun to play what-if but to think that worm fag had any power over Dave and Lauren's relationship is insane to me and this whole saga is about the most disappointing I've ever been in the sub.

I don't think most of us really believe Dave was threatened by Norton. I think a lot of people here just like to use it to rule Jim and Dave up.

On the one hand I don't blame him b/c Chip Chipperson is a character of failing comedian Jim Norton, a known sexual predator.

However, Jim Norton is a gay man so there is not really an excuse.

pfft yeah right that guy is awesome

Isnt this fluffer a panelist on Headline News now? I think SE Cupp has him on, for his political intellect.

who is that cumfag

Oh back to the bland salsa debate...
Mild Norton vs Medium Smith

I don't who this douche is... but just looking at his face makes me hate his fuckin guts. Help me out here, faggots: am I supposed to hate this guy?

if you can't think for yourself, you shouldn't be here...

It's a joke, sweet potato. Ease up.

i don't use rofl, lol, ;), peckaz etc. when i make a joke or sarcastic comment myself, dear friend.

Me neither. In another world, we could've been friends; Happy trails, fellow faggot :)

Ol' default character ass

Ughh wish he’d just end it all.

As he should look at that mug. Looks like a Jewish Camel

Where the fuck is he even looking?

Soder should of been the third person in their little group. Luis and Hot Topic man are pretty funny, so is Soder. Dave is really boring.

He's a faaaaaaaag

I agree, However the Dave Smith bobo impression is the funniest thing him has done in years

Him be dead wid laugh, tallawah bumbaclot.


jim norton is disgusting

Yeah and Jim's, "I don't know what happened! Did I make her feel uncomfortable? I don't think so. I asked her all the time!" was insufferable. He's such a weak-willed, unstable individual that his only two modes with women are "perverted creep" and "totally not perverted creep, I swear!"

Oh so now you guys don't like Jin bashing shitty, hacky comedians? It's not like Bobby or Vos, criticizing Dave Smith is hardly a "backstabbing."
That day was the funniest Jim has been in all of J&S, dumb fag