Can we bring back "Ridiculous Statements by Gregg"?

13  2017-11-30 by SunnyvaleResident69

I haven't seen any on here in a while.


I'll tellya a lot of people, alright. If yew...if errr...if Fez needs honesty here err...A lot of people. Lot of people are asking me umm 'Why don't you do more radio with Ron?' And the reason I don't is because of Fez...cause I know he's bothered by it and all dat shit so it makes me kinda, kinda not do as much radio with Ron. So whatever he's doing is workin err beautifully.

The way Opie treated Fez is the cuntiest thing he's ever done.

Insecure Opie always pounced on weakness because he knew deep down inside he was an unfunny hole.

Same thing I did in middle school because I was terrified of everything all the time.

It was my choice. Mine and mine alone. I have plenty of other job offers too. Could have been model.

Have you not read any of his Twitter shit that is posted here constantly?

“Did you know I should have been model?”

"could've" you dope

“I should be Tonight Show”

See he’s subtly getting the quotes wrong on purpose. It’s funny, guys. We’re dealing with a colossus of comedy here.

Well you certainly put me in my place. I’m going to go kill myself now. You’re a hero

And you should be an hero

Shit. I didn't even notice that.

Thank God that bits ruined, now we can all go back to thinking about every poor choice and self destructive thing we've done to push people away until we're institutionally isolated and sad.

(I'm being sarcastic and self deprecating in an attempt at humour that's thinly vailed as a cry for help or at least acceptance)

“I’m doing radio from 18 year old”

“My aunt was All-the-Way May from A League of Their Own.”

Insecure Opie always pounced on weakness because he knew deep down inside he was an unfunny hole.