Some slut gave me 60 soma. Are these going to get me high or what?

0  2017-11-30 by ghenghisJawn


Meh, you'll probably fall asleep. Maybe never wake up. Eat all 60 to be safe

I took three. Feels like shitty Xanax. I’ll eat 57 tomorrow. You’re a doctor right?

only if you take all of them with enough alcohol

I don’t know... I think you’re trying to trick me.

Stone Cold says that's Somas and Cheeseburgers are a hell of a mix. Loves it.

Is that the bottom line?

Let me ask Stone Cold ET.

Post your dick in case one of us needs to identify the body.

They're a low grade muscle relaxer. You'll feel tired and that's about it. In 12th grade this goth chick took a bunch before math class. She passed out and drooled all over her desk

I know a girl who fucks doctors. Bitch is a vaginal pharmacy