REMINDER: The English patrons of this sub can't get a grip on the Muslim problem in their own country.

20  2017-11-30 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Fags (not the cigarettes either, haaaay).


I heard the police there are afraid to investigate Muslim gangs because it may appear racist. It will happen here too if we let this silly cultural revolution of the new left win.

Well to be fair NYPD went full Gestapo on the muzzies in NYC and found nothing. Europe has a different problem as they let anyone in and they walk over from their shit countries.

The US really doesn't have the same demographic of illegal young male islamists that the EU countries do.

They aren't all bad either which is where I diverge from the fanatic right wing people. There are productive tax paying people from Muslim countries. We've done a good job of filtering them here in Canada.

The US needs a merit based immigration system like us if they want to keep it this way. Which the white house and Congress is currently pushing for.

Europe has a different problem as they let anyone in and they walk over from their shit countries.

Western Europe, yes. Central and Eastern dont play that PC tolerance shit.

I'm fully on board with the a new Holocaust for Muslims

They are neither productive nor taxpaying when you look at the net loss of all the social services they vacuum up to support their 9 person families and cover all the money they send out of the country.

"They aren't all bad either"

Get a load of this character!

The US needs a merit based immigration system

American leftists literally think that's racist.

Brexit passed so the problem isnt the people its the leaders and the media

So storm their homes and kill them?
Last I heard their faggot police don't carry guns.

That's a bullshit liberal narrative. Only the beat patrol cops the tourists see on the streets dont carry.

Break into a house or do any real crime and 100% they'll show up very well armed. Like any sane country.

The fact US police like murdering people has nothing to do with the police carrying guns. Plenty of countries police carry guns all the time and don't have high police shooting rates that the US does.

It's about US police culture/militarization, ghetto criminal culture, and the victim media culture. Police having guns are an insignificant part of the problem.

That's just narrative
US police like murdering people

Yeah maaaaaaaaaaaahn


Have another mass shooting shitdick

Dont fuck with the brits they will have another payer candlelit concert vigial