Is Travis a Joe Rogan? Exhibit-A

0  2017-11-29 by [deleted]



What you trying to say? he’s a midget or sumthin?

I don't know, but Sam sure is disgusting looking in this photo.

It's not even an especially bad photo of Sam. Sam is just a horrifying slob

I guess I hadn't seen him from this angle recently, and didn't realize how repugnantly he's aging. He's gone from goofy to full on Clint Howard. Those cranial ridges are begging for someone to rub a dollar bill over them to straighten out for a vending machine. He's horrid.

Jimmy's wardrobe is as bad as Anthony's. And he wears that shirt everytime I see a picture of him.

He wore a shirt for one day. But it was like one of Sam's that he had on so they looked like retarded twins

That’s an incredibly confusing picture. Google has Jason Alexander as 5’-5” and this picture has Travis w/ at least 3 inches on him.

How do you know he isn't wearing high heels in this photo?

Riddle me that, Jack.

Artie Alexander

is Sam weaeig Ugg boots?

I looked at his dickhead shoes closely and I don't know what it is about short, under weight little men with fully grown men's feet that bug me, but it does. Art Garfunkle looking piece of shit.

im looking more at the fact that look like girls shoes at first glance. a black guy could rock those no problem but a neanderthal? idk

What the fuck happened to samuel in this photo

Holy shit I didn’t even realize he was standing.

Everyone associated with the show is very short. That's why they never rag on each other for being midgets.

Sam is starting to look like an N64 create a character