Reminder: This is one of the girls Anthony was liking on Vine before he discovered we could see it and deleted it in sheer panic.

47  2017-11-29 by fingerofgawd


He's a complete fucking piece of shit

Patrice wasn't joking when he said Ant should be put down

The most annoying part of the clip was how he doubted everyone in the room would say no to a 13 year old. His fucked brain thinks everyone is as ill as he is.

They're not even human


Remember when Patrice said you were gay if you didn't like overweight fat greasy asses.

You're not gay, but you have shallow, boring taste.

I post in this subreddit so I'm obviously gay. But more jim norton gay. Just shave it and put it in a dress.

The ironic thing was how Patrice later talked about how he lost his virginity when he was 13 and his girlfriend said when she was 12 and he asked her "were you as ready at 12 to have sex as you were at 18?" And she gave a long pause and really had to think about it before answering. Then he talked about the situation at that age is just really complicated.

It's not ironic or even relevant, he was learning about his adult girlfriend's sexual history. Ant just loves hairless kiddies.

It's relevant. Patrice said Ant should be put to sleep for saying he'd have sex with a 13-year old if there were no law, then he talks about how the situation for 13-year olds who have sex is really complicated to the point where it's hard to say if them having sex with an adult would really damage them.

Pedos commonly believe everyone secretly agrees with them.

Case in point: /u/ssss681

The fact that you couldn't debate with me without screaming about how mentally ill I must be really got to you, didn't it?

No one knew the dangers of black folks more than Patrice

I don't mean to be "this guy", but looking at a girl's vine isn't the same thing as flying to Thailand and crossing the border to Cambodia.

Still degenerate

No doubt, sir, no doubt.

Wow Anthony cumia is a degenerate? I bet no one saw that coming.

Fawk yeah

When he's had a history of grooming teenagers on twitter, it's fair to be concerned.


You're all a bunch of hypocrites. What guy doesn't want a girl with braces, a training bra, and she still believes in Santa?

She's super cool though. We love reading FBI crime statistics and watching McMillan & Wife together.

Whoa, whoa....too much sexy talk in one sentence.

It’s like I used to tell ya when you were younger “Santa’s going to make it snow now”

I always thought it was weird he had to have a girlfriend that was so close to the legal limit. He always went for 18-19.

Guy's pushing 60, what's wrong with a 25 or 30 year old at the most?

There's definitely some Buzz/his dad shit playing out here. Dude's pretty lucky they only took his guns and not his hard drives!

He was grroming "Apology Girl" when she was 16 and it's doubtful he waited until her 17th birthday to cross the line with her. Also, the catfish "Self Cutting Girl" was 14.

Anthony needs to be killed or locked up before he really hurts someone. If he hasn't already.

REMINDER: The "law and order conservative" member of the O&A universe is the only one who routinely commits crimes. Even Opie can't be classified as a criminal.

In a moral and legal sense, Anthony is a far worse person than Opie.

That's true it's not illegal to be a despised no-talent.

Thank you.

Opie volunteers too!



Interestingly, that kind of an attitude towards any kind of attraction to someone who even looks under the age of 18 has been connected to larger legitimate instances of child rape. The people basically are so afraid of admitting their urges even when they want to prevent them and be better because they're afraid doing so will ruin their lives and they'll be labeled a pedophile even when they didn't do anything and even tried to get better (which can be done-- pedophiles actually have the second-lowest recidivism rate of all crimes, second only to murder, so they really aren't all constant repeat-offenders), so they repress it instead, which internalizes it, which causes an implosion. And that's how you end up with those serial child rapists.

This is your second post defending pedophilia in this thread. I'm worried about (children around) you.

Buncha liars.

Even at like 18 girls under 16 weren't that desirable. Even if they look mature they're juvenile and clingy.

Even if they look mature they act juvenile and clingy.

Not defending the dude, but I'm guessing he wants to fuck them not have a relationship with them...

Except he does have relationships with them. He's not out there slaying hot teen girls left and right. He spends months/years grooming some child and then dates them for quite a long time. It's odd. In fact, I question whether or not they even have sex at all. Didn't Stetten say that they never fucked? That could just have been angry ex talk, but I don't know. He just keeps having long-term relationships with ugly children.

Good thing nobody can see my instagram likes

She's not even a hot child

If I were to chase some illegal tail, I'd shoot higher than a pasty 6.

She was at least 18 as she was at a uni in England. She followed ant on twitter too. The fact ant is sexually attracted to girls that young confirmed everything to me.

That's also why he pursued Sue Lightning on Facebook. She/he admitted on her AMA here she knew Anthony pursued her because she "looked 12" in her photos.

To be honest, if it was legal I'd go after a girl that looked 12. Kitty Jung and Little Lupe's videos are as popular as they are for a reason, guys.

Videos of beheadings are also popular. Would you also go after that if you could?

Well I have a question, sir: if a girl was 23 but had a hormone problem to make their body develop weirdly or even just looked young, would you not have sex with them? And should those two girls not be allowed to do porn even though they're completely legal because they're appealing to the more lascivious desires men have?

But you DO want to fuck a child and those pesky laws are preventing you from doing it. Child predators/pedophiles, whether they act out on their fantasies in real life or in virtual reality are still degenerates. You know exactly what you're doing when you look for girls that porn directors have dressed to look like actual children, often times pre-pubescent. You're not seeking them out because you feel bad for them that they have a "hormone problem".

You didn't answer my questions, sir. I'm not denying I'm a degenerate, I just know there's nothing illegal about it.

Contrary to popular belief amongst subhumans like yourself, most adults are not sexually attracted to children or "hormone problem" adults who look like them. Furthermore, I think child rape/molestation should be punishable by death.

Is it still rape if they orgasm, though? I think that's why adult-woman-underage-boy sexual relationships aren't looked at nearly as harshly. Everyone knows the boy orgasm'd, so it wasn't really rape, so it's not that big a deal. 13-year old girls CAN orgasm, I don't see why an adult doing it somehow damages 'em.

If you're trolling, please try to be funny about it. If you're not, make eating a bullet your Christmas present to the world this year.

Don't dodge my questions just because they make you feel uncomfortable, you silly goose.

Die, please.

The funny thing is I've asked that question to a lot of people before and I always get the same answer. It's normally preceded by a lot of uncomfortable shaking and fidgeting because they know I'm right on some level.

The fact that you ask these questions seriously shows not only how severely mentally ill you are, but that you're also incapable of empathy because you can't think beyond, "They came, so it's not rape." Just because there was arousal, doesn't mean extreme, life-long pain and damage is being done to the child. I doubt the incredibly high suicide rates and lifetimes of crippling drug addiction that plague most victims of child abuse/rape/molestation are of any concern to you. "But ORGASMS though!" Fuck outta here.

If a child had sex with another child and orgasm'd and even said they enjoy'd the sex, would it damage them irreversibly? I don't see how replacing the child with an adult in that situation is any different and automatically makes it abusive.

I'm also not defending actual child rape. I don't know where you're getting that from. I'm just saying a sexual situation between an adult and a child can not only be not-traumatic, but enjoyable, and the fact that adult-woman-young-boy relationships are treated with a blase attitude shows that, and the popularity of porn actresses like Little Lupe, Kitty Jung and Traci Lords show that the actual prevalence of attraction isn't as black-and-white as people think.

We're done here. Take this shit to one of the hundreds of pedophile support and CP sharing sites you undoubtedly belong to.

You're done because you know I'm right and can't argue with my logic. A child has an orgasm with another child and a pleasurable experience, it's okay. A child has the same exact experience with an adult, it's horrific rape and the kid's going to be a drug addict. And somehow, swapping the genders to prove that exact theory is just an irrelevant factor.

Your irrationality-claiming-to-be-the-voice-of-reason is funny.

Yes it definitely is still rape if they orgasm. Plenty of women who are violently raped experience that.

That's fair to say. Now lets expand on the situation a little bit more: there was nothing rapey about the situation. The girl had an orgasm, she liked the guy, the guy liked her, they wanted to have sex, they have sex, it's enjoyable, she has an orgasm. Like a gender swap with Ant and Buzz. Would that be rape?

While I can't completely define it, it's been obvious to me for years that dudes who go after young girls are creepy predators. We're you the dude hanging around the school gates 5 years after you left too? I don't think it's exactly the same if you swap the genders. I might not call it rape, but it's definitely an abusive situation. Is it really so hard to not fuck kids?

It's actually very easy not to have sex with them. You just don't do it, or try. I mean, you see a hot girl in a room with you-- is the only thing you're thinking about how to keep yourself from raping and killing her? Of course not.

And the thing I'm really saying is that what separates the situation from being abusive (even to the point of rape) is the context and details of it, and I don't think it's fair to say that because it's this situation, the context and details are automatically this. I'm not denying that it's creepy, however I think most 14-year old girls would rather lose their virginity to Leonardo Dicaprio than whoever it was they actually lost it to. I'm not defending legitimate child-rape, I just don't think the whole concept is as clear-cut as a lot of people think.

or even just looked young, would you not have sex with them?

Sir, I like to have sex with women. Not children.

Question for you, bucko: if you could fuck a 12 year old legally, would you? Cos I know for a fact Joe Cumia would NOT.

Yes I would. I wouldn't rape one, though. I'd be really sweet with her, too.

I hope you're joking.

Nope. It's illegal, though, and it's not worth it to even try, so I won't do it. A 25-year old girl with extremely small breasts, a lithe body and an youthful face, though? Fuck yeah.

I like actual women, too, by the way.

Jesus, stop being honest.

Just admit you're a creep dude, please stop trying to intellectualize it.

I never said I wasn't.

I am quite certain there were references within her page to her being under 18. Maybe that stuff could have been old.

I actually pointed this out to him on twitter. He dmed me asking what the fuck I was talking about. I told him his vine likes are public. Then he told me to mind my own business and some run of the mill insults before immediately blocking me and removing evidence of said likes.

He is garbage.

No she was 100% at uni. I checked her follows when I saw she followed ant and I doubt she was 'covering' her tracks. ( this is a braces joke/pun)

Even if he's ghoulish enough to enjoy this, why "like" it whether it was noticed here or not?

It's like assholes on Instagram that are some model's 44,000th like. What are you hoping to accomplish other than looking like a desperate loser?

Anthony Cumia is a pedophile

"Ha Ha Ho Lee Shit, Look at that intact hymen".

I'd fuck her mouth till she had to get her braces re-adjusted.

She is cute.

white suburban girl name

le 56% face

Nope. It's illegal, though, and it's not worth it to even try, so I won't do it. A 25-year old girl with extremely small breasts, a lithe body and an youthful face, though? Fuck yeah.

I like actual women, too, by the way.