Can a mod give me a straight answer about why posts about Hollywood sexual harassments, which are usually funny, get deleted?

3  2017-11-29 by NortheastPhilly

fuckin fags


tsss tss how bout a gay answer or sumptin! tss

What is Jim Norton? Fawkin hog swallower n shiznit.

Quanspiracy. The mods are involved in a sex-trafficking ring.

Pressure from (((them))) I would imagine.

All you do all day is is give me 'answers,' just give me the RIGHT answer.

And to think my Patton Oswalt conspiracy theory, which was just retelling his comments on a podcast, was deleted

They deleted my post with all the evidence that Patton killed his wife to cover up for his father being the golden State killer..bunch of fags

It checks out. He totally is. probably