War criminal Slobodan Praljak drinks poison in court

22  2017-11-29 by crookedmile


Is he dead?

Yeah, that nigga's dead.

Probably not because he took it then told them immediately, giving them time to get him treatment,

R. Bod Dwyer

Tss why not R. AXE Dwyer or sumpthin! 🍕🗑

Such a bad ass move. Best way to go out. Call their bluff.

It's annoyingly dramatic. He worked in film/tv before. This motherfucker thinks he's living out a Shakespeare play or something. Fuck him.

Although I'm part Croatian and naturally assume he did nothing wrong, besides blow up that cool bridge some muzzies built 500yrs ago.

He is a Croata and yet has no idea about what he speaks..
The dude got acquited of the bridge accusations by the court, e.g...

You can't fire me. I quit.

The Balkans are grimy.

Thats why Spock left.

Him, Ratko Mladic and the rest of the gang did nothing wrong!

ALLEGED war criminal

all due respect

This dude contributed to shenanigans that haunted my childhood but the way those schmarmy euro nerds looked on with fear is amazing and I applaud him for going big.

What'd he do specifically to haunt your childhood?

He jerked off in front of him.

Probably didn't even ask if he could...the stuff of nightmares.

By killing his foreign mujahadeen al queda buddies who were trying to help his people secure an islamic state in europe


hey hey. lotta judgement going on here...

I agree, now he doesn’t have to waste away in prison. RIP

Hermann Göring would be proud.

How'd it happen?? 72 years old, not a bad time.

He's got Opie's hair from that TBS show. Man how I wish that was actually Opie.

his corpse should be kicked down the road like a piece of shit lol

Toughts n' prayers, toughts n' prayers

For a second I thought it was the best Opie Facebook Live video ever.

Maybe he should steal that bit.

Why not neatodan or sumthin

He downed it like he was making a toast with Slivovist.

This Arizona millionaire's concoction seemed more painful: https://youtu.be/56eSt5ufFi0

Good call, Michael Marin's suicide was the first thing that popped in my head when I saw this too.

Jesus, murder trials look fucking boring. He made the right call

Damn. I'd like to poison that court stenographer with my dick.

I like Lenovo laptops too.

Real Ass Dude of the week.

I hope Kurt Metzger does the same when they convict him for being a Bosnian war criminal.

ME: What is it in poison that makes your body so violently reject it?

When you dont finish the job you started, this is the sort of apology europe needed

He isn't a war criminal..
Serbs eviscirated and tortured thousands...
"Only" 100~ civilian casualties on the Serb side have been acknowledged by the Haag court..