oNe sMalL SteP

50  2017-11-29 by SirWallaceII


I don't think this is getting the recognition it deserves

I agree, what the fawwwwk

I want this on my wall.

tHeRE aRe mOoN ROcKs iN mY- oh wait, there really are.

Truthful Edgar

no guns on the moon either

They don't have 13 year old girls either. Ant would hate the place.

Tranth Tonight

he won't need his guns where there are no minorities

he won't need his guns where there are no minorities

"That's one small step for man,
one giant step for man." - Greg "Opie" Hughes

Good job!

This Photoshop fucking stinks.

I love it.

fuck u

thank you

Tranth Tonight

he won't need his guns where there are no minorities