Congrats to whistleblower Roland! Getting Gregg Opie Hughes fired for sexual misconduct in the company’s bathroom has empowered women, children and gays to also stand up to their abusers. Roland’s Revolution grows stronger with every #metoo.

223  2017-11-29 by StewartScoldedCumia


ME: I invented having to awkwardly explain why and how to friends and family

" Howard Stern has been fawkin gunning fer me fer fawkin forever. Everybody fawkin knows it "

  1. I innocently filmed a coworker using the toilet

  2. Howard Stern gets me fired.

End of story


Ta be honest wit cha

I got fired for sexual harassment before it was cool.

Hoo hoo.

Do tell !

I hear he’s a hoagie blower as well.



keep your head on a fawkin swivel

I was listening to Rover's Morning Glory and they were doing some bit where this dude was drinking beers and ended up throwing up in the bathroom.

Rover said we should have someone go in and film him. Then he said, wait a second, wait. You don't want to get Opied. Then he went on to say how this guy recorded someone in the bathroom and got fired.

Apparently that is getting Opied.

Audio clip needed. LOL

Just found it. Gonna start a new thread. Will edit with link.

Commitment level: 10/10

I still fuckin hate Roland

Roland is still the worst person alive. But the enemy of my enemy is my fawkin peckah

Consider making a donation to Roland's Kids this Christmas.



It's funny to think Opie was the first victim of the #MeToo campaign.


A man always has to do it first, huh?