What an insufferable faggot he is.

128  2017-11-29 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


That OpieRaaio person seems like a good guy.

I can assure you he is not.

jesus even you're british? fawkin so many limeez its like wheres da key pie or sumthin

I know part of him got giddy thinking he and Matt Lauer now had something to bond over.

Faulty hairlines

The sub-reddit should be the Opie and Anthony subreddit.

The “and Anthony” subreddit?

Anthony sucks too, he just gets somewhat of a pass because he's funny.

*was funny

That bloke is really giving Oqie the business.

From what I've seen on here he always gets smashed on Twitter these days. It's refreshing

It is what has driven him to insanity. His pop up shows are becoming more and more about what people on his social media accounts think, rather than actual worthwhile entertainment. He knows his career is over, this is just one of the stages of grief.

The degeneration of the big titted bastard, into this puddle of neurotic, pathetic goo...

II'm not sure it could've gotten any better than this. Opie Hughes is dying a slow, painful death, in a professional and spiritual sense.

Anything better than this would've required a severe psychotic episode, where he had gender reassignment surgery or had the white coats throw a fucking net over him.

"His pop up shows are becoming more and more about what people on his social media accounts think, rather than actual worthwhile entertainment."

When in the hell did he ever provide actual worthwhile entertainment?


Speak English goddammit!

.... S?

He said S?

He's doing it on purpose, right?

That's always been his go-to catch phrase, brothaman!

The Erotic Awakening Of S

It's WNEW twitter hour. When he walks to his satellite twitter account...oh boy!

I think what opie did is on par with Louis. Both weird but opie is more intrusive

I don't know what's worse, Opie or the fucking deluded cunt followers tweeting him that he should enquire about the gig.

I hate how he used just enough exclamation points to finish "shit" yet still retain his enthusiasm

Funny how he got fired for the same thing. lmao

Matt Lauer filmed people shitting?

I meant that both were fired for inappropriate workplace behavior.

I meant that Opie was fired for inappropriate workplace behavior too.

He did this shit all the time on raqio, why are any of you surprised? That's just years of what they call "the biz" coming to the surface, he was in the industry since he was 18 you know!

Inappropriate workplace behavior? Matt must have filmed someone taking a shit at work.

Clicked expecting to see my own twitter.

omg this guy is fucking out of touch. He honestly believes Howard got him fired instead of his dumb bullshit bit of filming people in the bathroom.

They have been enemies for years! Except Howard don't give a shit and thinks about Opie never

He said “S” to use safer language so other people and outlets could retweet him. I guarantee he’s that delusional.

Looks like he is up to 8 retweets.

Check and mate, hater.

H8ter, you mean.

I'm actually amazed that a guy with a career like his is down to 8 retweets for his posts. Those are numbers that you and I should be getting.

Holy f, this guy's a fucking fag.

Great set of holy Ts though.

Matt Lauer’s tweet on Opie getting fired...

Yup, there ain’t one. Cause no one gave a shit. ‘Cept us.

And we weren't exactly upset or appalled.

Only one who gave a shit was Roland

He's so delusional that he's actually still believes that what he did isn't worse.

He actually typed, "Holy S!!!!"

Very rarely am I stunned to speechlessness by Opie. This Fucked me up good. He's literally, a Retard

bellend vodafone UK

Mahmoud, get the fuck off of reddit

You tried.

"oi" - You

That probably makes sense in your womanly head but people who aren't gay might need an explanation as to what the fuck you're babbling about.

Quoting something that hasn't been said then punctuating it with "you" is possibly the gayest, and certainly the most poorly thought out post I've ever seen.

Tl;dr you are very much a man who enjoys the feel and taste of strange penis.

LOL /u/cbanks420lol get a load of this hothead

Any truth to the rumor that he was taking pictures of people on the toilet and that's why he was fired?

Pwopah fackin geezah

a. We know. People with actual radio shows were talking about it all morning. Does he think he's some kind of news outlet?

b. There is nothing here. Even newbie bloggers copy and paste better shit than this.

c. Who the fuck is retweeting this? And why? Seriously. I need to know.

I haven't been following this closely. why do we hate him more now?

This adds nothing. He's literally just saying what happened. No joke. No insight. Just a statement of fact. As if he's breaking the news to anybody.

Spuds fucking Buckley

Faulty hairlines

The degeneration of the big titted bastard, into this puddle of neurotic, pathetic goo...

II'm not sure it could've gotten any better than this. Opie Hughes is dying a slow, painful death, in a professional and spiritual sense.

Anything better than this would've required a severe psychotic episode, where he had gender reassignment surgery or had the white coats throw a fucking net over him.

"His pop up shows are becoming more and more about what people on his social media accounts think, rather than actual worthwhile entertainment."

When in the hell did he ever provide actual worthwhile entertainment?