How do you boys keep from killing yourselves?

31  2017-11-29 by Single_Action_Army

I really feel like I ought to but I'm too much of a pussy.
I have a depression I don't think lentil soup is gonna cure, gang.


i keep the guns and ammo seperate

Don’t let em hold you down. Reach for the stars.

I don't want to live in a world where that exists

I eat lentil soup.

I beat off.

just looking forward to the inevitable civil/race war to come :)

Isn't it amazing how all races hate eachother all the time no matter what?

Hate us kuz they ain't us
Go white people πŸ₯‡πŸ˜Ž

We're our own worst enemies. We basically took over the world but now all we do is apologize for being white. We don't even question it when broads treat us like we're the worst offenders with mysoginy and rape culture.

I mean jesus. There's plenty of reasons to hate white people. But really? You're sticking us with mysoginy? Have you MET a non-white guy?

i believe hating women will unite us, lets all be real who is the true bringers of misery besides (((them))) to all men? WOMEN

All I'm saying is: I have way more in common with a black guy than a white woman.

Also trans is just mental illness, and the rise if trans culture is just an attempt to blur the very real and very significant differences between males and females.

Yeah but you probably have more in common with a White woman than a Chinese guy... unless you jerk off to cartoons and work a menial office job...

I think you know that I do.

You don't actually do that do yo-


Funfact: the Tijuana bibles were some of the first porn that was available before magazines and movies were widely available. So masturbating to cartoons isn't only not a new phenomena that only exists because of foreign influence, it's an American tradition.

And before that, explicitly erotic art was very common for the purpose of it being used as a sex aide. And the connection between high-art and cartoons is pretty easy to see.

Nothing fun about this fact. Stop masturbating to cartoons Zhang

I'm still gonna do it.

Well you definitely dont have cock size in common.

Have you ever thought that your toxic world view may be contributing to your depression? This sub seems to be full of sad racist British truckers.

And the one thing they have in common is they all don't like Jews.

How can a war be civil, maannnn?

Her videos are the best.

its been months and im still not bored with her. i would prefer slightly bigger tits but maybe not.

Use a good quality lube.

What is it with Americans and lube?

I didn't use it until my virgin gf was too tight. After I started beating off with lube I can't go back. It's a lot better- especially if you do it a lot. My dick skin used to get chaffed. It was bad.

I drink and beat off to voyeur porn. I also drop a load on my girlfriend now and then. There's also the sports gambling. I lead a fulfilling life.

Have you tried jogging?

wheeze laugh

Climate change is going to spark off a lot of conflicts that will ravage the planet in the next 15 or so years. At least stay alive to see everything come apart before killing yourself.

I keep myself occupied with video games and the thought of possibly doing homo things in the future. Just waste your time righteously, there's nothing better to do

Climate change is going to spark off a lot of conflicts

So help me god if those glaciers melt I'm going to kick your fucking ass.

See you by 2020

I gagged

Well, I just open the good book and find my favorite verse.

Psalm 32:7-8 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

May the Force be with you too, nigga

Is that a Mace Windu or Lando Cal rossi on quote?

That faggot from the new one

drink, drugs & this sub


Pot, masterbation, alcohol and racism.

dont shoot yourself. its very messy and fucks up all your friends and family.

I'm sure as hell not going before Opie.

I kinda just enjoy watching the chaos occur. I've lost all ambition and will power and only have just enough motivation to work for the bare minimum for my lifestyle.

At the end of the day, I can watch the world fall apart and instead of being horrified I can laugh at it.

I punish myself by staying alive.

Have you tried lentil soup?

I hope I win the lottery.

Only problem is I am not playing.

Things will get better.

I say to myself "at least I'm not mersh"

You should ask the folks in /r/askreddit . they know an answer to everything.

Drug addiction

Solely because of the knowledge that family/friends of mine will be sad if I do, like the co-dependent douche that i am. And booze/drugs.

I'm starting to think this sub isn't being visited by the healthiest people in the world

It's the only place to have fun with all the obscure inside jokes from O&A, though.

My laziness and cowardliness surpass my desire to die

Tell myself that there will be a lot of pain the next morning for my family.

once they pass away tho, im free !!

They way to not be depressed is to not think about your life. Even if you feel happy succesful all you need to do is take a step back and think about your life, who you are, what you're doing, where you're going etc, and you'll be miserable in minutes.

One of the most depressing things to hear is what people say to try and cheer up depressed people, because they just focus on the problem, that when you look at it life is awful, but when you don't it's perfectly fine and occassionaly quite good.

I love eating chocolate with my gal pals 🀣🍫🍫

Zoloft and good clean loving, fella

Video games and the fact that I'm too much of a pussy to actually kill myself.

Is there room for improvement? Moving, doing something insane you always wanted to try etc? There is always something you always wanted to do a d now is your chance, you got nothing to loose.

Fingers crossed I didn't give you that last push that held you back from committing mass genocide in the name of Hitler or some shit

Marijuana, alcohol, video games and rape porn

highly concentrated marijuana

Existing is my own personal holocaust to the jews.

Old dogs, children, and watermelon wine.


can go get all this at walmart for like $30 at any time. in case you dont want to deal with the paperwork and absurd expense associated with the real thing.

financial reasons are equally valid as health reasons and those two are the only reasons you should follow through with it

I've started going to the gym and eating butter

They took my belt and shoe laces

weed, maaaaan

and the internet

Thinking that I'm gonna do something great someday and I don't wanna rob the world of it.

Naaaaah I just like fucking with people

Pure cowardice and narcissism. Can't as much cut my wrists open.

fuggin' hot bitches every night

Hit rock bottom, lose all hop etc. Then when you've given up everything you thought had meaning, you might find something actually worthwhile. Maybe

I find things to look forward to, like the next issue of Wolverine, the release of the Disaster Artist, or finding out how Opie finally keels over.

FWIW, you're my favorite poster here. You have a panache and wit to you that would be sorely missed here.

Do yourself a favor and pick up Thomas Moore's "Dark Night of the Soul". He's not your typical self-help faggot; the dude delves into the dark side of the human condition in a real way.

Chin up, booster! :)

Not much I just started working out and eating better

No, just going to the jam and eatin' butter

Be like me, go to the gym. Wait for world war 3

Not being a loser like you is what keeps me going

I heard a great quote on Dana Gould's Halloween/most recent podcast episode (I fucking love that show, Dana Gould Hour).

They were talking about Nixon, and in some interview or press conference in the height of Watergate and everything else, someone asked basically "how are you alive right now," how does he even show himself in public. Nixon said "I just keep getting out of bed."

Opiates are by far the best antidepressant I've ever found. Assuming you aren't one of the many heroin addicts already on here, you'd be starting with no tolerance, which means you could get fucked up off of a little 5mg perc or something that costs a few bucks, and all your problems will melt away instantly. If you're really looking at suicide then you've got nothing to lose obviously, so what's a little opiate addiction gonna hurt? If you pace yourself reasonably, you could maintain a relatively cheap habit for a year or two before it spirals out of control into full blown heroin addiction, which can be very trying and expensive, but if it's really that bad already then you'd be no worse off, really.

All these faggots telling you to smoke a little weed, bro, are just faggots. Weed can help you go to your shitty, soul-crushing job every day and not care; heroin can make you go to your shitty, soul-crushing job every day and love it.

Weed and booze mostly. I also like to bake bread and pastries like a faggot, helps keep me sane.


Underrated post. Just lie to others and yourself constantly until you form your own reality.

Remember that life can always be worse: you could be Opie.

Anyone considering killing themselves is either mentally challenged (see someone) or extremely stupid (read a book).

Anything bad in your life can only get better with time. The only way to have time is to live longer. The only way to learn anything, get better at anything or accomplish anything is with time.

I listen to Alan watts and remind myself I'm going to die eventually anyway.

I use drugs. Sucks when I run out, though.