The gloves are off.

119  2017-11-29 by RBuddCumia


What is this in reference to?

Opie's last pop up shit show.

That would explain why I'm out of the loop.

Wow I thought he was really giving advices turns out it’s another passive aggressive bitch shit shots again

Not they’re not. Not yet. If he tweeted it directly at him, then the gloves would be off.

Jimmy is gonna suck Aunt's cock for sure now

wha's he an uncle or sumfin?

That lady has a pecka

Passive-aggressive female horseshit. Doddering old faggots need to start acting like men

I wont be happy until these 3 64 year olds are having a bareknuckle brawl

I think they are all 54-55 Ish.. why add ten years? They'll all be dead soon enough anyways...

The problem is, and I fucking hate to say this, is that I think Opie would win.

Nah. Anthony was in the trades. You pick up some good hidden strength. Plus Ant did steroids. My money is on him.

The Psycho fought a Frenchman under water. Nice try with the hate.

Anthony got beat up by a girl.

Of course Opie wins. You can’t knock out a guy without a brain and his massive breasts will protect his internal organs.

I don't know who he's talking about. SNIFF

Doesn't bother me in the fawwwkin least!

I faaaawkin' looove being uncomfterbul

Here's a few other tips:

Don't do it on Facebook live from a public place.

Be a humorous person who people care to hear opinions from.

Don't look like a street urchin who occasionally sucks cock.

Ditch the faggot friend who looks like Wario that also isn't funny.

Take a bath with your toaster oven.

But taking bathing with your toaster oven would cause a fatal electrocution. That doesn't seem like a very good tip at all.

Oh literal ManbadFerrara!

All electrocutions are fatal dummy.

No they aren't. What do you think a taser does?

Cause an electric shock, electrocution is by definition fatal.


Electrocution is death caused by electric shock, electric current passing through the body. The word is derived from "electro" and "execution", but it is also used for accidental death. The word is also used to describe non-fatal injuries due to electricity. The term "electrocution," was coined in 1889 by US newspapers just before the first use of the electric chair in 1890, originally referred only to electrical execution (from which it is a portmanteau word), and not to accidental or suicidal electrical deaths.

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fawk yea dvv dvv

Looks like you are right.

Well, my response to the comment that USED to be there was: I don't know where this yuckmouth-ass bot's source is from. But Oxford definies it as the injury or killing (emph. mine) of someone by electric shock.. Executions by electric chair had a 1.92% botch rate. Therefor, you can be electrocuted and survive.

TLDR: Buried that cocksucka

Doesn't throwing a toaster in a bathtub just trip the breaker and turn off the power nowadays? He should call a family meeting, say he has an even better job offer the pull out a .45 and shoot himself in the face in front of Lynsi Margera and bams kids

whacky irony

Don’t send iPads to the young ladies on twitter

And make sure to get said bath on film

ME: Line of the day

The green screen crater faced beast with a dying junkie cohost is giving podcasting advice

You should tell him that on paltalk. If he blocks you he will never announce it.

Our job is to tweet this to Opie til he is forced to address it.

He makes good points but he should probably work on his own Scorch level public access show before doling out advice.

Somebody needs to send this to XM era Anthony when half the show was him talking about blocking people on Pal Talk.


Damn. The madman is not holding anything back. This kind of brutal roasting is reserved only for the fiercest of battle rappers

Here are some more tips:

Use a green screen, and do so obviously.

Get close-ups of your lunar surface cheeks and your cohost's spontaneously-bleeding, coke-swelled nose.

Laugh at everything, even bombs, and throw in a "HOLY SHIT!" just in case.

Buy billboards on the Jersey turnpike to advertise an internet subscription show with public access production values

Photoshop your cohost's face onto Larry King's mugshot, because his real one is too depressing.

Get Howard Stern Wack Packers from the 90s as celebrity guests.

Die a lonely, miserable alcoholic--without even the comfort of your guns to shoot yourself with because they were taken away.

Photoshop your cohost's face onto Larry King's mugshot, because his real one is too depressing.

Never knew about that, what's the real one look like?

The Artie mugshot is indeed a fake one based on the Larry King one, they stole it from a poster (Elias) on that used to do great photoshops.

The real L King mug looks like - .

King embezzled some money back then.

I've not seen an old Artie one, just the new one from a few months ago.

Is it a permanent confiscation? One domestic violence allegation and your 2nd Amendment rights are erased forever?

I'm pretty sure he was convicted. There is also video of him during the incident, shortly after biting his girlfriend, of angrily and drunkenly looking for his gun. Stop pretending like he didn't do anything to warrant people's concerns.

I didn't see any biting. I saw some walking around, and lifting of couch cushions.

As for the biting, I don't think it's that bad. Do you think she was arranging flowers in the other room, and he just ran in and started chomping? I feel like there is a lot of information we're not getting, here, and I tend to put more blame on the psychotic 26 year old or escalating the situation.

tl;dr dindunuffin

Do you think she was arranging flowers in the other room, and he just ran in and started chomping?

It's Cumia, so yeah.

Yeah that bitch os 100% to blame. Annoying drunk girl voice, high on Benzos, pushing your buttons always ends with a bite or open hand action

Might as well be, since "those people" have such high rates of recidivism. And his license was just suspended for going over 100mph again.

Hasn't be been talking to the camera for years?

2 people shared the last broadcast from the restaurant. Thems some numbas!!

Everyone's talking about "the waiter".

ME: who said what? Huh?

Guys, I don’t think this is real advice with good intention. I think these are veiled shots that he is taking here, I believe they are directed at his former radio partner, one Gregg “Opie” Hughes. I mean, I think this guy might be a jerk.

Cut him a break. He was doing radio since he was 18. He has to get used to this fawkin video thing.

That's just good advice.

Why not just say Opie.

Don't obsess over who needs to be blocked.

Is this nigga serious?

He's been doing podcasts since he was SIXTY-SEVEN years old!!



Stop saying "the gloves are off" whenever they make some veiled, passive shot. I don't want to see that until one of them says "Opie is and always was a stupid cunt."

Manipulating the haters, Brotha Man.

Oh gross, does Opie police the chat and block people during his shows?

Ew ew ew

Opie lacks even the self awareness to know he should have done everything he could to reunite with Anthony, not stake his hopes on "pop up shows" with a fat Cuban restaurant owner no one cares about.

The Psycho fought a Frenchman under water. Nice try with the hate.

Anthony got beat up by a girl.