Nice pimples, whore.

12  2017-11-29 by RBuddCumia


Is she legitimately insane or is she just really committed to her character?

It’s fucking retarded I can’t bring myself to not watch her shit on mute

I think they might be moles. And yeah do we know anything about her?

She’s from Philly and she’s psychopath

there's something about white-trash-in-the-city.......

a knowing deep in the bone that beauty and loss are one.

that right brow seems to go on for miles.....

The stare goes for 1,000 yards.

it's herpes

Pimples or not. She's still sexy as fuck

I would

Oh god.....she must swallow

This is the face of a woman who wasn't repeatedly raped by her male family members.

Not a very feminist comment of you

You're not dealing with this well.

You broke his heart. Nigga just wanted a woke, t girl gf who loves god and tradition.

I swear you must have upvoted your own comments. Pro transfeminist arguments getting 5 - 10+ upvotes in this sub, that's unheard of.

And you never countered my argument how you're clearly not a feminist. You don't live up to any feminist standards

Nigga you just suck

I can only hope that her asshole is half as much of an empty, gaping orifice as each of her wandering irises.

Her eyes are disturbing. Are we turning on her now? Post titty pics I don’t want to hate her yet

cold dead eyes, like a dolls eyes, wouldn't know it was alive... until it blows ya'!

I'd put clearasil on my dick and apply it to her face if you catch my drift.

I dont, explain the mechanics of this scenario.

Okay, see...he is going to apply Clearasil brand acne medication to the tip of his penis. From there, he will apply the medication directly to the mental patient's acne hotspots, in the hopes that the it will aid in the healing of the inflamed areas.

I assume he will go for one of the cream-based brands of the product, so that the medication will stay on the penile applicator as it makes its way to the various points of acne in need of attention.

Thank you for your thorough reply. I am now a much better person because of you.

Ugh she is gonna be at Norton’s show on Thursday and try to make it about her.

Maybe she’ll have a breakdown when jimmy ignores her for having a vagina.

Maybe she’ll have a breakdown when jimmy ignores her for having a vagina.

Maybe she'll habe a breakdown when jimmy ignores her for habing a vagina

lol no way in hell

ill be there. i hope i see her <3

Tss Maybe she'll have a breakdown when jimmy ignores her for having a vagina. Or sumpthin.

there ain't any pooftas here that wouldn't enjoy smelling her ciggy-breath as she exhaled a few feet away on your genitalia, right?


Nice I’ve-witnessed-something-horrific-in-early-childhood-but-have-repressed-it eyes, loose woman.


I hear the wall a comin' It's rolling round the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when

You're not dealing with this well.