In all seriousness why doesn't Jim get a pet of some kind?

32  2017-11-29 by RBuddCumia

He's obviously a lonely cunt that has never had the responsibly of taking care of anything. It might help him not be so depressed.


He as a few podcasts, does a couple sets every night, and then hits the road on the weekends. Just doesn't have the time.

Just get a cat and get a drop feeder for that lil' mug.

You'd shake your head for hours and say he only did it because of Ant.





Thats how you get a fat fuck for a cat. Mr. Frizzlefritz nearly doubled in size once I got one.

Can I fuck your cat?

cats suck

Perfect match then.

cookie.. cookie.... cookie.. kiss..

RIP Skippy

Anything beats the loneliness of being alone with your thoughts, eh Jim?

Got me, Mrs. Teft!

He knows he'll probably end sodomizing it

why not front sodomize it??? tss tss, ya fuckin phone posting zilch

Say that again, your phone crapped out


Stole my answer...

Does it say more about us or more about Jimmy that there were numerous people coming to comment the same thing?

I know, I wouldn't usually post something that redundant, but I'm betting that sentiment was the immediate association a lot of us made haha.

His signed celebrity pictures are all Mr Morton needs for company.

There's laws against that.

Because he's an emotional cripple who can't relate to genuine feelings of love and affection one would have for a pet.

Like a gerbil

Let’s encourage him to get something exotic and dangerous and hope it kills him.

We actually like Jimmy... this thread is for fans.

Maybe a parakeet. He would have to share his birdseed though

No, birds are cunts

That would a classic Jim Norton opinion circa 2004-2012

You're right, he doesn't need another sam

Perhaps a pet sloth

Cats always try to jump on your lap when you're edging for three hours in front of the computer.

He's too self centered to care for another living thing.

He can't keep a male horse in his apartment.

Too selfish to care

He takes his cum for a walk and to play Frisbee in the park

Love to see him get a dog that turns on him when it gets tired of being assfucked and kills him. Nothing big. A poodle, perhaps.

My old neighbour had 2 of those big poodles, they were actually really cool and I could see them fucking someone up. She used to have some old lady come over to take them outside and I used to watch the old cunt smack them in the heads for no reason. I was hoping they'd snap and maul her but they never did.

He already has a Norwegian trouser snake.

Jim IS a pet of some kind.

Dude that clean gay boy bitch would lose his mind if it so much as made a breath mark on the widow. “I️ couldn’t sleep because the puppy was sleeping in the next room and I️ was worried about it waking up and walking around” get the fuck out of here

You'd shake your head for hours and say he only did it because of Ant.




Thats how you get a fat fuck for a cat. Mr. Frizzlefritz nearly doubled in size once I got one.

cats suck

cookie.. cookie.... cookie.. kiss..

Can I fuck your cat?