I am Sam (The Movie)

96  2017-11-29 by aPersonStranded



Nortons looking healthy


simian face

Which one went full retard?


Did DiCaprio go full tard when he was a kid?

Sam looks like a cartoonish drawing of a human made into a real person

Moe Sizlack looking motherfucker


With that long head Sam reminds me of Lenny from Of Mice and Men, only much more retarded looking.

Lmao this is gold

For a second I thought he was photoshopped to look like that orangutan from dunstan checks in

Jim is the oldest living progeria kid

He's 12?

Norton face fits so well

In the real movie The Beatles were the retards favorite band.

Hoping this one has killer Ozzy covers.

Sam looks like dave smith

This is a gem. Well done, sir.



I’m laughing ridiculously hard at this!!

Jim is finally home

Sam looks like an unfinished muppet from Jim Henson's studio. Like before they glued all the fun and colorful stuff, it's just the creepy looking under material

Norton looks like a creepy puppet of Sonny Crockett here.

I want to watch the Jim and Sam movie.

Thank you.

Look at the distance between the bottom of his nose and upper non existent lip. He should be locked in a cage and put on display.