Has Jim ever defended or supported anything if there wasn't something(at least potentially) in it for him?

16  2017-11-28 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Hes really is a fraudulent little fucker. Jim should be shilling for a rent-a-crowd company.

During/after that whole Leno/Conan Tonight Show debacle, I remember Jim basically virtue-signaling talking about how funny Conan was, like he was trying to temper his very obvious Leno bias.

no it's why i fucking hate him as a person

he's terrible now and lost his self awareness; guaranteed he sees himself as evolving and all these complaints about him are from idiots/baby boys

he became quite mercenary after stealing the 60 grand from his dumb fans

He inexplicably defended that negligent building owner in San Francisco that was allowing the raves & squatting to happen, and then the building burned down and killed an ass load of people. Jimmy thought, against the better judgement of every single person in the studio, that the guy wasn't at fault, wasn't a dick, and was (and sounded) legitimately sorry.

I'll never be able to wrap my head around his logic on that one, it was fucking infuriating. Jim is an idiot.

Yea but who cares about those people they were all fags, hippies, and queers from SF the worst city in the whole world.

He’s only go on others podcast if he was shilling something

What was he shilling on Matarese then?

dont know havent follow him for a long time but isnt that mataese has some serious pull over them anthony artie etc all fear about him and didnt keith had to fire mike redbar over making fun of him

Let's see...

Ozzy, DeNiro, Louis (before masturgate), Amy Schumer.

Nope. He's a wormy little fuck.

To be honest it kinda of makes business sense for him to do that. Might as well get all you can out of that shit show he is on. Its not like hes trying to be funny anymore.