Reminder : Jenn Sterger was somehow interested in James Nordon until he kept asking her for pictures of her feet

4  2017-11-28 by SomeCakeForDaChippah

I mean, does the guy not know how to do a Google image search?


Isn't that the bitch that Brett Favre sent a pic of his peckah and crocs to?

She left New York to try to become an actress after the dick pics and married a baseball player.

That sounds almost as exciting as when Busy Phillips came in to promote soup.

Yeah, I haven't heard anything about her in years. I just remember she left the Jets show saying she was going to act and don't think she got a single role.

She was replaced on the Jets show by Jeane Coakley.



ya tease

To be fair she found the one baseball player who makes even less than she does.

I don’t understand why any dude goes within 100 feet of that troubled broad. I don’t care how hot she was when Brent Musberger drooled all over her tits. Too much risk for lawsuits, complaints, divorces and ruined careers when that crybaby attention seeker enters a room.

Plot twist: he was asking for pictures of her cock.

I thought sterger attempted to become a comic? Of course that's what everyone who had 15 minutes of fame tries to do as a last resort because they think that anyone can do it. Of course I could be confusing her for one of the many other no talent bimbo's.

Creep creeping creeper