Scientist and Philosopher, Joseph Rogan, didn't know why gold was valuable beyond the fact that it is "shiny" and "pretty"

66  2017-11-28 by SirWallaceII

He asked Redband why isn't fools gold valuable like real gold if they are both shiny and pretty. He had no idea about the industrial properties of gold and how it is pretty much indestructable.

I like joe but his head is made out of pork roll.


Rogan has been scammed by every con artist he has ever encountered - magic coffee man, magic brain pill man, all the fad diet promoters, every leftist shill like Abby Martin, and retards posing as intellectuals like Sam Harris - all it would take to empty his bank accounts would be a semi decent pitch about the magical/supressed scientific qualities of fools gold.

Sam Harris

What did he do?

Probably said something this guy disagreed with.

Guy made another post on this sub calling out Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris as retards.

Probably just another triggered religious rube.

He really showed his ass during the last election cycle. I’m not saying it’s inexcusable to disparage Trump but his reasoning for doing so showed he’s not as much of an intellectual as he lets on. He basically acknowledges that Islam is a threat to civilization, but would rather have Hillary turn America into Syria because Trump said mean things. Plus he’s a Jew.

Same as Joe Rogan, tricked people into thinking he was a philosopher.

If you were tricked into thinking Rogan is a philosopher that's on you lmao. and by you I don't mean you I mean people.

and sorry for the weirdly late comment

retards posing as intellectuals

You really think Sam Harris is a 'retard'?

Of course.


if we can get rogan into fools' gold, we can make a real killing with oktoberfest cocaine and artie.

Tell me more about Abby Martin.. I just saw her Rogan podcast posted on fb by some conspiracy nut and she was railing on Israel.

She's just your average run of the mill SJW, rants about white privilege, everything is racist, she's a feminist etc. One of her childhood friends was killed by an illegal immigrant and she sided with the immigrant and attacked everyone who criticized him as a right wing bigot.

The only real interesting thing about her is that she started out as a real wacky kind of 9/11 truther (her friend Jon Gold was humiliated for his dumb shit on O&A, and her brother is still extreme ly pissed about it 10 years later) but she publicly renounced her beliefs because everyone was able to just write her off instantly, so it's hard to know how crazy she actually is.

She attacks Israel from the typical lefty stance and she's kept well in line by her friends like Max Blumenthal, Max Boot, and Adam Johnson so she'll never go too far or be accused or anti semitism.

Link to something about the illegal immigrant thing? I can't find anything on Google and want to hate her for this.

Her friend that was killed was called Kate Steinle. She talked about it on an episode of her podcast with her brother (I think it's called Media Roots but can't remember the episode).

If you search for it on her twitter you'll probably find it.

I like Blumenthal. The way he despises Israelis for stealing 75% of their culture from arabs amuses me.

That's very stupid but tbf gold's industrial properties are also not what make it so valuable

fair enough. It's scarcity? I really don't know specifically but I know it is valuable beyond being pretty I guess my point is.

Look at a periodic table and the properties of gold. It had to be gold.

I pay for all goods and services with Neon and Krypton.

In every electronic circuit there is gold. It's supposed to be one of the most efficient conductor of electricity.

No, it's used because it conducts electricity but doesn't corrode; making it ideal for electrical connectors that are going to be exposed to the air (like headphone jacks, for example). There's plenty of electrical circuits without it.

Most of its value isn't from industry, though; it's because it's shiny and pretty, and unlike silver you don't have to polish it. Economists have described it as a "six-thousand year bubble", as it doesn't have that much value beyond people liking it.

"it's the findin' and the gettin' of it"

it's mostly the scarcity that would promote it's value as a currency, but people valued gold as something special because it's not reactive. That is to say, you could dig up gold objects and they still look like gold after a great deal of time.

What are you doing here? You have potential

Not really. Look at his name.

I came for the circlejerk, stayed for the Opie hate.

Huh? And ancient people realized the age of the gold objects they dig up via radiocarbon dating? That makes no sense. They'd have had no way of knowing how ancient a given object was.

Oxidation doesn’t take a lot time, Opie. Copper, silver, iron all oxidize in even your goldfish-length memory.

Gold is durable, divisible, portable, and intrinsically valuable/rare, which makes it a natural money - see Aristotle. Then add things like beauty and industrial applications that came thousands of years after it was already used as money.

The reason for its value is twofold.

As others have already mentioned, its remarkably chemically inert and therefore does not degrade over time under most normal conditions.

The second reason is its extraction rate. There are very few pure gold mines on the planet. The vast majority is a secondary ore recovered as a by product of other mining. For this reason it is not really possible to vastly increase the supply of gold at any given time. The global extraction rate is roughly equivalent to the amount used by various industrial processes and products and this consumption is likely to continue to increase over time.

So the soft limit of gold in existence and its durability and density make it a natural store of wealth. The price in dollars is simply a measure of the overall value of the currency used to purchase it. If the dollar becomes devalued then the price of gold will rise. In times of economic strife money men will often flee to gold in a similar way they flee to bonds as they are both fairly safe in terms of being very unlikely to devalue (baring complete collapse, in which case you are gonna need that gold bar to actually buy anything at all)

That's one of my gripes about bitcoin. It can't do what it's supposed to do unless the volatility goes away. For instance, if I'm running a business, I have no vested interest in accepting the bitcoin because of the volatility. Currencies aren't supposed to be volatile.

You can set it up so the bitcoin payment is automatically converted into USD or whatever your home currency is so you have no exposure.

To your larger point, before it could actually be a real currency, it requires it to exponentially increase in price and hence volatility for quite some time.

All fiat currencies are volatile compared to another fiat currency.

(baring complete collapse, in which case you are gonna need that gold bar to actually buy anything at all)

Which is extra funny because most gold investors don't actually physically possess it.

I really don't know specifically but I know it is valuable beyond being pretty I guess my point is.

Not really, man. Rogan's actually kind of right about this one, as many others have said. Gold does have industrial uses but that's not why it costs $1,292.80 per ounce. I mean it's not that scarce.

:::::slowly backs out of thread with dunce cap on:::::

I hate that I know the names Joe Rogan, Brendan schaub and Redband. I hate those faggots.

Well he's kind of got a point. Its value is somewhat arbitrary and it was used as a currency long before it had any real industrial benefit. I mean his question could be applied to any form of currency. What value does our currency have other than what we agree it does? I guess its -- gold's -- malleability is high on that list too.

It's like touchable bitcoin.

At least they can't tracks you with gold... maaaannnn

That would be RAI STONES!!!!!!

Rai stones

Rai, or stone money (Yapese: raay), are large, circular stone disks carved out of limestone formed from aragonite and calcite crystals. Rai stones were quarried on several of the Micronesian islands, mainly Palau, but briefly on Guam as well, and transported for use as money to the island of Yap. They have been used in trade by the Yapese as a form of currency. The monetary system of Yap relies on an oral history of ownership.

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Yeah Rogan has moments of epic retardation, but this one seems kinda legit.

EDIT: He's short.

Gold was originally used as currency because it was shiny, could bend easily to make things out of such as coins or jewelry and there wasn't much of it compared to silver or copper or whatever. Nowadays gold manages to keep a high value due to it being essential to electronics. I always fantasized one day we'll start asteroid mining and just find a comet or asteroid full of gold, rendering it almost worthless on Earth.

It rains diamonds on Neptune.

That's why the Jews don't live there or sumptin.

"The jews don't live on Saturn"

Oh boy do you have some learning to do.

I don't know if it's hilarious or deeply depressing, but I used to think stuff like this was ridiculous conspiracy shit. Saturn worshipers are complete braggers once you learn their symbols and where to look for them. The movie Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick should have been named Everything Is A Jewish Man's Trick..

Neptune and Uranus but according to US education standards you were close enough so you pass.

Wow... if it's on DogoNews for 5th to 8th graders it must be true! Silly simpleton

What's it like to be proven wrong but being so immature that you will continue to pretend you're smarter than everyone?

You're posting shit from 2013 and the hypothesis has changed since then, which is why the study I posted from August 2017 is "more correct" than your post from four years ago. When recreated in a lab setting, they needed the pressure and temperatures found on the Ice Giants not the Gas Giants.

What's it like to pretend to know what you're talking about only to realize that oh fuck.. this shit changes and maybe someone is more in the know than you?

I'm sorry but you took too long to respond. Maybe you would like to keep throwing a tantrum? Maybe you would like this article?

I mean this is the third time I've proven you wrong so be a good boy a run right back to daddy with the stick. I didn't throw it very far this time so you should be back soon.

You had too much proof going against no proof at all, clearly you must be wrong.

Awww, baby boy!! You still have yet to "prove" a gosh darn thing. Bless your heart, you've only posted articles citing scientist's hypotheses (educated guesses) based on what we knew about the makeup of the planets' surfaces. I've posted a study where that surface was recreated to produce diamonds and, contrary to 2013, it was proven they needed conditions more like Neptune/Uranus than Jupiter/Saturn as initially, wait for iiiit. hypothesized!

[Also darling dearest little child, if you're going to try to use something more recent because I destroyed your outdated, incorrect idiocy, try not to pick an article whose only citation in the original, outdated article I took you to task for!](blob:

Okay, sweetie, now spend the rest of your bus ride home from a Hardy's day work trying to find FACT that can actually DISPROVE what I said! But hurry, you don't want to miss your stop!


This whole thread is so fucking faggoty I feel like I have a dick in my ass, which I know is not the case because it isn't Friday.

Ooo DIBS FOR 12/1!!

My schedule and ass is wide open.

You throw nice tantrums. Do it again.

It's the unfounded arrogance and goal post shifting I find most annoying with his type. And after the initial haughty dismissal you know that type of person is in a shame sweat trying to justify his assertion rather than just say 'Oh shit I was wrong!'

The self hating American stance in his first post should of given it away. The amount of time he spends talking shit about the Midwest, the south, and then changing from a New York native to a California resident depending on how he feels that day was disturbing to read as well as how he much time he spends switching political stances and social issues just shows he really uses the internet to feel better about themselves and really doesn't believe in anything.

Dude I've gotten posts weeks later from that type and they post like it's minutes later. So funny.


I always fantasized one day we'll start asteroid mining and just find a comet or asteroid full of gold, rendering it almost worthless on Earth.

(((Those people))) won't let that happen.


there actually are asteroids floating around full of gold and worth trillions each, platinum ones too. nobody has bothered going to get them because like you said, it rapidly declines in value once you have millions of tons of it.

There are also questions about whether or not it's even legal to do so.

Israeli law applies to outer space, goyim. Besides, the gold would corrupt you. Best leave it to the pros.

nobody has bothered going to get them because like you said, it rapidly declines in value once you have hundreds of tons of it.

Are you suggesting that we have the technology to mine one of these asteroids but we just choose not to?

We landed a probe onto a comet, didn't we? Sending one with explosives onto a much slower moving asteroid to deflect it into the pacific isn't THAT far-fetched.

I don’t think it’s feasible with current technology; I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume that we could plunge hundreds of tons of gold into the ocean but the people who could make it happen are like “meh it’ll just crash the market anyway.” They would still make a fuck ton of money, even if they could only sell the first few dozen tons for more than $750 per ounce.

I once knew a coupla fellas that stole a bunch of gold, put themselves in a gas induced coma, then woke up after the people looking for it were long dead. Unfortunately mankind found a way to manufacture it, rendering the gold pretty much worthless.

I actually had that in mind while typing that. I'm not a scientist and don't know if we could assemble it on an atomic level like in the Twilight Zone.

Suuuure you can. Problem is it's very, very expensive to do and chances are it will be highly radioactive.

The Jews won't let that happen.

The same reason giant diamond jewelers buy massive amounts to keep them in storage to prevent diamonds from dropping in value

rendering it almost worthless on Earth.

It's been theorized that when the US decided to take other countries gold and put it in fort knox that they then used all that gold in the manufacture of electronics for weapons and sold the gold to companies. So chances are if they do find a shitload of gold, nasa won't say shit and instead all that gold will be what the US uses to replace all the gold they stole from other countries

Diamonds are essentially right now what you fantasized about gold being right? if that happened they would just horde it so it could stay valuable like Debeers does with diamonds now

De beers, I like de wines

Da Bears

It's used because it's extremely stable (doesn't undergo radioactive decay) and is fairly certain resistant. That's something you want in currency: a material you can store in a hole in the barn and not lose half of it due to unstable isotopes slowly decaying away your cache.

I love this subreddit because we'll veer from jokes about AIDS to a dead-serious discussion of economics.

thats the bit.

you can have your T replaced, not your brain cells

Jesus that podcast was insufferable. Rogan was high as a kite rambling about nonsense being a pseudo intellect. I guess that's every episode, but this one was especially bad.

Reminds me of dumb Louie CK on diamonds being worthless despite the fact that they're used in many applications due to the hardness or the diamond itself.

It's pretty much analogous because diamonds were arbitrarily valued before they were ever used in industrial applications. In fact diamonds are even worse than gold because they're not really that rare and can be made in a lab.

Louis wasn't saying diamonds are worthless. He was saying that their value is inflated because De beers created artificial scarcity.

You can buy cheap diamond drill bits. The expensive diamonds are the pretty ones with no flaws, or special flaws

I like pork roll.

It's rarity is the biggest reason.

Preach man. He also went on a ridiculous anti flat earth rant. He actually thinks Flat Earth started as a troll on 4chan rather than every ancient civilization going by a flat earth cosmology. He’s done absolutely 0 research on the subject yet has the balls to talk about it to his millions of fans.

He's just a fucking round earth shill.

This is next level trolling

What do you gain?

It’s not trolling at all. You should do some research on the topic.

what should I look into?

Flat earth

Keep trolling trolling trolling

What makes you think I’m trolling?

Sometimes it is hard to tell if someone is trolling or just being a faggot. Either way...

Lmao I thought the same thing prior to looking into it for myself.

I’m pretty sure he doesn’t actually think that 4chan literally started flat Earth theory, as much as it helped popularize it and which lead to this recent resurgence in morons coming out of the woodwork in support of it.

He says it word for word on his recent podcast with Brian Redban.

You should research the subject. The earth is flat and we’ve been lied to. Don’t take my word for it research it for yourself.

Put the weed away.Stop the malarkey.

I agree he's dumb, but he isn't wrong. Gold's value doesn't reflect its practical uses

Same as the tulip craze in Europe. A single tulip bulb was insanely expensive because they looked pretty and were in high demand

fair enough. I guess I am a dunce

Gold was used as currency because it's durable, malleable, relatively rare, and easily distinguishable from other metals.

My god Joe is an uninformed hack. The fact that he has millions of fans that consider him a genius is fucking hilarious.

You can set it up so the bitcoin payment is automatically converted into USD or whatever your home currency is so you have no exposure.

To your larger point, before it could actually be a real currency, it requires it to exponentially increase in price and hence volatility for quite some time.


This whole thread is so fucking faggoty I feel like I have a dick in my ass, which I know is not the case because it isn't Friday.

Her friend that was killed was called Kate Steinle. She talked about it on an episode of her podcast with her brother (I think it's called Media Roots but can't remember the episode).

If you search for it on her twitter you'll probably find it.

You throw nice tantrums. Do it again.

All fiat currencies are volatile compared to another fiat currency.