Anyone ever try to reduce hours at work to part-time?

4  2017-11-28 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

I started a new job in retail where they expect you to stay beyond their finish time and work for free after that time.

I walked out last night at my shift finish time and told my boss I'm not interested in staying late for no pay but he got all offended about it.

How do employers get annoyed about you pointing out their entirely illegal practices?

I don't give a shit about the job and that seems to have pissed him off, I'm asking for less hours and that's his currency to punish and reward normal people I guess.


Never do anything for free. I take my shits on the clock. No, not literally. But never get in the habit of letting some faggoty employer take advantage of you.

I'm browsing this sub doing that right now.

Show up in black face. That should drive the point that work with no pay isn't tolerable in your book. Plus it should get a good laugh amongst the customers.

Tell him you wear 'blackface' after 5pm as part of your religion, & he can't discriminate against you for religious practices, it's like a muslim asking to prayer.

Grow up and get a big boy job?

Everyone I've ever worked for has been afraid of me and I could get away with anything. Never speak unless it's to put someone down and look pissed off at all times.

Bet your ass

I always let my bosses know if they didn't have employees they wouldnt be the boss of shit, they need me to have a job so they can have their job


The guy that was offended probably doesn't know it's illegal and everyone around you accepts it for fear of losing the job. Get some literature about stolen wages and stuff and spread it around. If you don't give a shit at least have fun playing Robin Hood until they fire you.

Yeah you're probably right.

My contract says minimum 7.5 hours per week and that's all I actually want so it pretty much fucks up any position of power he has.

They use hours as currency like cigarettes in prison and I've probably confused him by not wanting many. He originally wanted to put me through the management training but it's a fucking awful company and job so I decided fuck it.

I've got another shift in 40 minutes so I'll find out soon enough.

U work 7.5 hours a week?

That's the minimum on the contract.

I've done jobs on a zero hours contract before but I can survive on 7.5 as it happens so I'd rather do that than a full working week where 6 or 8 hours are after midnight, unpaid and with no tips.

Fuck that.

U can survive of 7.5 hours a week? This is very confusing

I supported my girlfriend through medical school so she can return the fucking favour for a bit.

So ur going to school and live at home? That's cool. It's actually the smart play but don't u want a little more pocket money? Just get another job if u work so little anyway

You put her through medical school and now she's going to leave you for a doctor while you earn $7.50/hr in retail :'(
I like your posts around here though.

Poor OP doesn't even see it coming. He needs to marry her now, then when they get divorced, he'll get half her cash because he supported her education.

I figured I'd go the Joe Matarese route.

I've got the doctor part sorted, now all I need is an embarrassing 30 year career in comedy.

Don't worry. If she ever leaves me I'll put the sharp end of a parasol through her cunt, tits, knee caps and brain.

Then I can be the 2nd sub user to end up in prison for murdering a loved one.

Its almost definitely a budget hours thing where they're not allotting enough man hours for the store to function correctly, but never do hourly work off the clock. You're better off clocking out and not working rather than insisting you stay clocked in to work overtime- because then you have to keep track of your hours accurately enough to prove if they are then changing your time card to remove the overtime afterwords.

If they try to twist it either way complain to your corporate HR (assuming you're at a chain store.)

You're going to get fired either way but at least you're not also getting cheated.

It's retail, so they'd probably appreciate you working part-time versus not at all. I'm sure the manager would like to fire you, but then he would look bad.

That said, I would quit the weed, tough it out for at least six months, then apply to recruiter/entry-level sales positions.

Good advice.

I don't smoke weed as it happens but honestly it's the worst fucking job I've ever had.

Everyone there fully accepts that they should work for free past midnight and they looked at me like a mental case when I told them to unlock the door so I could leave.

It's not important obviously but it'd be great to have some ammo from the psychos here to hit my manager with.

It's gonna suck, just do what you can to keep going, try and make some buddies to talk shit with. The lawsuits are coming for these labor violations, namely for entry-level, recent grad positions, unpaid internships (Apple got some heat for this recently), but considering the trouble retail is in, I doubt they're a big target.

The manager had to do the same shit and is still stuck in retail, so try and empathize with that a bit, apologize for the attitude (say you didn't get much sleep, had to pick up GF and she was blowing up your phone) and rethank him for the opportunity. If you can tough it out in retail and are somewhat young, you could easily transfer those skills to sales, but sales is a different kind of beast.

Best of luck either way!

Why do you say wait 6 months?

That's the minimum you should stay at a job. I'm assuming since OP is getting a job in retail his work history may not be stellar.

Tell him if he wants you to work for free he needs to call you Nigger Joe and it has to be a hard R.

What's the pay like?

Liquid ass the joint

Quit. Then kill yourself.

Does it have to be in that order?

Pac sun?

I love seeing the look on a bosses face when they try to pull some illegal shit and you give em dead shark eyes and press your point

Like taking their balls, just do it in private so he doesn't feel like he has to save face

You can get a shitty job anywere, fuck em

If your working in retail and over the age of 20 then you’re already fucked. Shoot for the stars

I had a job in finance where I was earning £200 per day

I'd need to work 35 hours to earn that in a week now.

So yeah, I'm already fucked.

About time to swallow a sharp knife I think.

Don’t worry I was addicted to drugs for a few years and was totally unemployed and now starting from scratch in my new profession. It’s really hard to swallow but a jobs a job.

So ur going to school and live at home? That's cool. It's actually the smart play but don't u want a little more pocket money? Just get another job if u work so little anyway

You put her through medical school and now she's going to leave you for a doctor while you earn $7.50/hr in retail :'(
I like your posts around here though.