Doctor Steve called into Howard

59  2017-11-28 by PM_ME_YOUR_LUKEWARM

He's talking about Scott's missing ejaculate


I just heard it and was co fused for a minute about the channel I had on. Even Dr. Steve ignores the J&S morning zoo.

can you blame him..hes against dickhead mgt at ch 103 who don't play his show on a good reliable he might as well call in to any channel

Plus Sam wants to give him the morning zoo nickname of Dr. Shit.


Everyone gets a shit nickname from Sam.

A fetish he picked up from his mentor

I've been called worse

Best egg in the O&A universe

The best way to cook an egg is to boil it in the shell. The

How long does sam have left to live?

Too long.

<Insert Harambe joke here>

Hey Steve how come i sweat through my sleep all night, every night. Every night ill wake up soaked and have to flip my pillows and sheets around to the dry side. Its ruining my damn pillows.

Except in the dead of winter when its too cold.

The only drugs i regularly take are roaccutane and weed. But i feel like it would still happen regardless.

Btw you've always been one of my favourite people from this dumb dead radio show.

Can I ask you a favor? Post this over on my subreddit and I will be happy to get you some information ASAP

Im at work but if i remember ill do it when i get home. Thanks mate.

If only that Nagel kid was still running the channel.

"That Nagel Kid..." I hear that in my head nearly every day. I barely remember the context when Ant said that but those three words stick with me. I do miss Erock, though Paul is doing yeoman's service for my dumb show now.

It was from Scott Shannon's (of Scott and Todd) first call into the show. Erock wrote him a email requesting he call in and do a serious interview. What followed was Scott doing a full face turn in 15 minutes.

The first time someone said, "that Nagel kid", was actually from Sam (at 14:00 mins) after the interview and Ant took it and ran with it.

Awesome, thanks!

Fastest face turn since Joe Piscapo

Yeah, the preemptions have been a little frustrating

Morning listening sched:

Howard 7-8, J&S 8-8:30 unless Howard is shitting on Jeff like today. ;-)

As a 25+year howard listener, that was fun as hell

did you have to hide your Howard fandom from The Destroyer?

His silence means agreement

good for you doc, that was fantastic to hear

You don't have to pretend that you listen to Jim and Sam. We're all friends here.

Except opie and anthony.

And Opie and Jim.

And Opie and Sam.

Really makes you wonder what's wrong with ant and Jim and Sam 🤥🤔🤔🤔

Don't you think it's a lot more likely the problem is with Opie?

ha ha SHHhhhhh!

That's awesome. Next you gotta do Rogan's podcast.

He may call bullshit on Onnit, though.

honestly, Joe and I have discussed this many times, for many years. The problem is simply geography. He's there and I'm here. If we could set a date, I'd just fly out just for that, though.

Opinion on "nootropic" brain pills?

Let's just do an AMA sometime! Modafinil has been proven to enhance performance. The question is how do you measure this? Some of the medications I see for sale out there improve certain lab results like tests of executive functioning. Whether that results in improve job performance or anything like that remains to be seen.

AMA on the sub this saturday? I'll get one of my jews on the mod team to make a sticky so peeps know.

my question: do it on the AMA sub? or on my sub? I'm not sure I can do it this weekend, but I would like to do it soon. I got some shit to say about some shit.

Cool man, if you send a pm to /u/braunheiser to let him know when you decide on a time he'll make an announcement here on the sub so your AMA doesn't turn out like one of Anthony's Comic-Con appearances.

You’re a good egg. Always helping bloated drunks on morning radio shows.

I have a fellowship in bloated drunks.

Ronnie's recap of his Nascar trip with Scott was fucking hilarious yesterday. "Who eats pizza from FLORIDA..."

It was really entertaining! I hope they take more trips together in the future.

Congrats making it to the big leagues. Good phone call!

Funny, 12 years on satellite radio and a 3 minute phone call is the "big league."

True though. ;-)

I think what got you in was the anal probe with the doll on the Anthony Cumia show. Good stuff

Ha perhaps

Me: he's another problem

Lot of problems in that clinic... keep your head on a swivel.

Weird hearing him talk to Howard

Good for Steve. He should have done it years ago. Period!

Yeah, imagine a segment where he gave Wack Packers medical advice. He could explain to Beetlejuice that he's shitting his pants because of a medical condition and it's not Dominic.

Dr. Steve backed the wrong show. He could have saved Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf and Eric the Midget and Bobo would rightfully be dead. Hopefully Marion would be dead as well, somehow.

what if there really was a guy named Dominic who was shitting in his pants all these years?

Scott's missing ejaculate?

scott mentioned when he came that nothing comes out, so naturally dr. steve's ears perked up and he felt it was his duty to educate on ejaculate, as he usually does

retrograde ejaculate...he's splooging into his bladder. Actually, they called me, because I was texting this stuff to Shuli.

damn, that freaking really cool mate, that they called you

i wish shuli would convince howard to have you on, instead of that dr. fisch guy

Me too. Harry is a nice guy but he's not a generalist.

When PA John said: "you gotta wine her and diner her"

and you responded with: "and lick her vagine-er"

That was one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Please tell me that was off-the-cuff and wasn't planned.

Haha of course. We never plan anything

I asked you about this problem like a year ago on your subreddit.

I want you to know that I am shooting ropes again.

The man knows fluid.

It's not missing, it's going backwards into his bladder. (Seriously)

ME: first Denny, now Dr. Steve. I fought to keep his show on da channel and in an ultimate fawwwk you to me he goes on my archrival's show. He did me dirty but I wish him nothin but da best. Fawwwwk Howard, he probably manipulated Dr Steve against me...another fawwwwwwwkin hater

wait, denny was on howard?

This Howard fag might be alright after all

I believe he's referring to Denny mockingly wearing the Opieradio shirt.

I doubt it. You can't just walk into the Howard Wing of the building. And he's such a big O&A fan (well, really just the A part) I don't think he'd care enough to ask to be let in.

Denny and The Doctor Show when?

"We're two guys that believe tinkle porn is underrated"

He can explain to Dennis why he's only 5'2".

Doctor Steve is the new king of all media.

Did they look in Sals' asshole?

He called in right around noine.

Can /u/drsteve103 comment on Opies recent eyelift surgery? Is there anything that can be done to fix his newly mangled gook eye?

what you talkin' 'bout, Willis?

You've known Opie and sat with him face to face over the course of years, Steven. In your medical opinion, what should have opies plastic surgeon have done differently during his botched eye lift this year?

Photographic reference:

Okay that photograph is the result of a thing called High Pass smoothing in Photoshop. I haven't seen anything like that on the videos I've seen. He looks totally normal to me.

His left? I'm on a phone so that may be the problem, but I don't see anything other than making faces for the camera. The pics are all very small on my screen.

I've seen recent videos and all looks copacetic to me.

Just making one of those crazy faces where he pulls one eyelid up to his temple while leaving his hands at his sides.

It's all good Steve. Thanks for even humoring me to this point. You're 100% correct to assume that people here would bombard Opie's twitter with anything you say which even remotely acknowledged his plastic surgery.

Next time you talk to Dr. Steve, tell him I said "fluid".

Is that really Dr Steve?


Looks like some Botox to me... which is why it looks photoshopped/unnatural.

What condition is it where you get an erection around playgrounds? Asking for a friend.

Can you cure my AIDS? Its pretty bad.

Google Truvada, bro. That ship sailed a long time ago.

Dr Steve, could you tell the story of the golf cart key getting snagged in your nut hair? A true classic

Haha shit I forgot about that!

Dr. Steve rules. He's right behind Denny as my two favorite guys in the OnA universe.

Ahead the Sex Bagel & Travvy?

Dennis and Dr. Steve are far more interesting than Erik and Travis.

Teftt Dog is number 3.

I think Erik is a much better broadcaster than Sam, it's just that his interests suck.

I would put Bobby up there too.

Yes, Bawby is a good boy too

ugh the Howard fans in this sub are the worst.

O&A Army 4 life! Tomorrow is w-w-w-whip em out Wednesday!

cue Street Fighting Man

Hoo Hoo I invented WoW. Tell em Rahbin.

car crash car crash car crash

Can anyone link me to anything funny Howard said? I've honestly only seen Howard clips where he has whores on to make people uncomfortable, where comics are being funny, or where he's being a self-centered douche and turning up his bass 5x higher than everyone else's...And then he did America's Got Talent or whatever.

Is there a compilation of him being funny or was the show never really a comedy show?

He had writers feed him some good lines but it's all pretty dated. It's been over a decade since he's attempted humor.

when artie was on, the show as a whole was funny

I haven't listened regularly in years, but some of best stuff from the late 90s, early 00s were all the on-air fights between Gary, Scott, KC (and the interns) etc. Other than that I always thought those game show bits were always kind of lame.

Richard and Sal prank calling "Tradeo" shows...some are real gems, bordering on genius.

Ok but that's what I mean though. Was he basically Opie? If someone fed Opie funny lines then setup fun bits around him as he added nothing, would he be considered "funny"?

Am I crazy for thinking Howard himself, as a person, not as an entire show with a cast and crew, is not really funny? I'm not exactly sure why he's as famous or well paid as he is. Did he just happen to be doing shock jockey stuff at the right time or do people still listen to his show today? I usually stumble across funny clips from all kinds of shows I don't watch or listen to, but never from his show in the past 10-15 years. Where did the $300 million dollars go exactly? Even his official Youtube channel has a relatively low amount of subscribers for the highest paid guy in radio, and the most viewed videos are just musical performances...There's just no way he's bringing in that much revenue or a big audience for SiriusXM.

Oh, gotcha. I never found him particularly funny on his own, but he could "riff" decently and keep a conversation going without steering it into the rocks, or if Fred and Artie (and even Jackie and Robin) were making jokes with guests he wouldn't just grind it to a halt.

He was way better than Opie. He could actually talk for a long time about current events without stuttering and shit and seemed relatively well informed because they would actually do show prep every morning. Shocking! He was pretty good at instigating fights between the staff too.

A while ago he started to change his image to "serious interview guy" so he's scrubbed a lot of the old bits and fights and shit that was actually funny / offensive from official channels. You won't find anything entertaining by looking, it's like O&A or Ron and Fez, you kind of have to remember certain shit or wait for people to post it.

It's pretty much because he was the first big shock jock when radio and broadcast TV were the only outlets for public media and they were all pretty prude. He built a big following etc. He was also smart, unlike Opie, to sign multiple, long term 5+ year contracts.

He steers the ship


"Ahhhh, Gary's teeth are covered in fluid, ahhhh ...."

the Howard fans in this sub are the most pathetic thing ever




Where's the link to his phone in you fkn savages?

Good for Steve. He should have done it years ago. Period!

wait, denny was on howard?

scott mentioned when he came that nothing comes out, so naturally dr. steve's ears perked up and he felt it was his duty to educate on ejaculate, as he usually does

It's not missing, it's going backwards into his bladder. (Seriously)

He called in right around noine.

Hoo Hoo I invented WoW. Tell em Rahbin.