Asians are the most attractive race.

0  2017-11-28 by redtheftauto

Specifically the Japanese and maybe Koreans

Prove me wrong




I don't like their weird faces and gungy cunts.

They look like they smell

congrats you're a homosexual

Of plantains and annatto?

I can’t see the subs, says no content... help please

You have to change something in your reddit settings that allows adult content... Or do what normal people do and just look at porn anywhere else besides reddit

Yea I just want to why I couldn’t see. I understand there is porn elsewhere

Attraction is subjective. You'll never get full agreement on this.

Woah look at mr. logical over here

Mr college over here.

It really isn't. To a small degree, yes. But overall it's a system designed to indicate fitness, fertility etc. Asians and European women also score highest with all races so it's more than just genetic similarity.

I think the one thing we can agree on is that the schwoogies are abhorrent.

Korean girls are dumb as shit and willing to do anything, at least in my experiences.

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Fan death

Fan death is a well known superstition in Korean culture, where it is thought that running an electric fan in a closed room with unopened or no windows will prove fatal. Despite no concrete evidence to support the concept, belief in fan death persists to this day in Korea.

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Well now that's just adorable.

Latinas are the most attractive. They have the best bodies. The best skin tone. They can dance the best. They have sexy accents. Asian women's bodies are usually very flat. Also, these pictures are like the hottest Asian women. If you go to these countries, most of the women you see on the street are nerdy looking, average at best. If you go to Columbia, you will see so many 10's everywhere.

The bad thing about Latinas is once they start to age they begin to turn into overweight goblins

This applies to women in general, but Asian woman have better expiration dates

yeah thats why most supermodels are asian

Not bad just . Too many TRANNY types for me to actually trust those broads

ladyboi central

Their cunt-slit is sideways, right?

I agree 100% I always catch myself day dreaming about going to japan and marrying a petite little jap cutie. r/juicyasians is the plaace to be

Are we talking purebred? No fucking way. Some of those southeast Asian/latina mixes can be awe-inspiringly beautiful, but typical Asians look like they're made of cardboard.

White power! Even the more attractive latinas are of the whiter variety, like Colombians & Venezuelans, whose genetics are 70% European (Spanish, obviously.)


I don't care much for JAV. The DVD covers often look better than the actual films. But I have jerked it many times to that gook Bagel Suu bitch.

I can’t see either of those subs, why?

If you're using an app could you possibly have safe settings on it something?

Yea I’m using the app I’ll look into the settings

They got salami breath.You need to get out of that crawl space.