I know we like to joke around but I'd like to get serious for a minute. How are you doing?

25  2017-11-28 by fish_flower

Since Jim Norton's advice show has been off the air I just wanted to make sure everyone has been able to cope without the advice of a 60 year old transitioning aids victim. God bless.



Jesus Christ, I forgot Jim Norton unironically hosted an advice show for years.

I believe this spawned his middle of the road character. "That's a tough one, man" might have started there.

And it was truly dreadful.

Jim would never transition because he wouldn't be able to do his stupid, "As a man, wamp wamp, wamp wamp wamp" bit.

Don't tell me what to do.

This is what I say when people tell me to get a life

the gloves are off with this guy

It's tough man, I'm not gonna say what I did because it's anonymous but just look for a 12-step meeting near you.

If you've thought about doing comedy, just look for an open mic night near you.

Show please!

I just turned 30 and am ready to off myself. Life is miserable and definitely not worth living. Then I remember to myself, Rich Vos will be at the Valveeta Room in Austin Texas December 8-9.

And thus kill yourself faster?

Yeah, he's gunna fuckin' uh uh uuuuuuh, fawkin' die laffin!

Fawwwwwwk yeah, awkward silence is golden!!!! But I was gonna say dat. Go back, babe, set me up.

Aright wait wait wait.....so whadya die from?

Fawkin lafftah!

clap clap

I called in years ago when I was just about to do my first stand up set (I quit) and asked Jim for advice, he said it was a tough one

I'd call a local hotline before the national hotline, I called the national one before and was on hold for about an hour.

Jim is 49 tuning 50, why add 10 years just to spite him? Everything else is true tho

ok, ill be completely honest... ive never been sad in my life

How is this not Vos dates?

Well, I have a significant other who is actually female that treats me well. But theres these 3 drunken whores at work I wanna bang. So I'm going to destroy my life to do it. Oh well. I also pulled myself out of financial trouble but I feel like buying a truck so fuck it. Also I spend 85% of my day browsing a sub about a trio of shock jocks that I don't care for and that have ruined my sense of humor and sent me into a depression to which ill likely fall face first into the abyss and not give a hoot. Peckas

was woken up from a drunken blackout saturday night to my girlfreind screaming at me with my phone in her hand, she was looking through my tinder. The girl eats my ass and lets me make cumsies inside, I can't let her go so I had to bitch out and apologize.

Pretty good

Fuckin terrible honestly. My family are all cunts and I'm working my ass off just to pay rent. 20 and not in school. I cope by listening to 8 to 12 hours of O&A a day.