90 day fiance

3  2017-11-28 by Loskanksfan

Do any of you guys watch this? they used to rip on it on the show but it's still on and pretty great. Never before has a television show made me hate men, women, immigrants, southerners, muslims, christians, blacks, and spaniards all at once. It's a feat unseen since the heyday of Jerry Springer.


Did the fat retarded woman ever get the Muslim douche deported?

No, but she's not on this season.

I did a heel turn on Mohammed. I thought he was vile, disgusting leech at first but over time that's what I ended up liking about him. He fleeced that dumb rube Danielle. Plus he publicly announced that the reason he wouldn't have sex with her is because her pussy stunk. Praise be unto Mohammed!

Me and my wife agree on everything. Politics, money, our kids, everything.

But we disagree on Mohammed from 90 Day Fiance. I feel bad for the guy, as I see it Danielle is a manipulative cunt and she's torturing that poor bastard because she's a manipulative cunt.

My wife thinks Mohammed is a dirty Arab and would like to see him die in a drone strike.

You're both right

holy shit, that would be an awesome season finale

Last year. See was an obese blonde who went to Morocco to meet a guy completely out of her league. He could hardly hide his contempt for her hideous appearance. One of the only couples who never got married as far as i know.

Yea they're on this season. Both of them are on DMT levels of delusion.

I loved how affectionate she tried to be and he would say it was like illegal in Morocco.

I hate that girl more than anything in the world. Even more than Mary jean

That tub of lard made Bob Kelly look great.

Im looking forward to Mississippi Alabama Shore tonight. This one bitch looks like the biggest drunken mess in history

Single handily one of the best t.v. shows ever.

Honest to God, it's the only thing that Opie and Anthony have ever promoted that I've liked.

Fuck Mustard and his stupid guitar, fuck Black Sabbath, Fuck Gene Simmons. But I <3 90 Day Fiance.

The award for most hateable this season is the Christian broad with the mullet dating the Spanish guy. What a cunt. That guy is in for a lifetime of ball breaking.

On a side note, my mom and wife also love this show which makes me feel like (more of) a monumental faggot.

Her and her Spanish fiance both have huge bushes.

I hate her hair stupid hair. Her 80's hair-do is awful. Also the Spanish guy looks exactly like old Ralph Macchio. She's a stubborn childish cunt, but that's what the Karate Kid deserves for wanting to marry an 18 year old.

Are you a paid shill for this horseshit too?

It's good for watching repulsive fat white women straight face the camera and talk about how their musclebound third-world fiance really loves them. And then you get to see their families struggle to politely tell them that they're hideous trolls and there's no chance this guy who's done some modelling is actually into her.

That's my favorite part of the show. The family members trying to beat around the bush saying their loved one could in no way bag these people on their looks alone

The sub has taken a turn....

Sam confirmed it recently that O&A discussing it was a paid promotion for Sirius. Maybe it still was when he brought it up recently.

No, and no one else who isn't a faggot does, either.