Why does Chip not work as much as it used to?

0  2017-11-28 by Lilcumia


Because chip became Opie and nobody like Opie.

You just seem extremely mature bud.

we no longer get to stare at Laurens tits and chin and CQ hasnt been on in awhile

I'm sick of Christina's dykey shirts.

Chip is at his best when people who have no idea who he is are around him.

Like Borat, the best thing about Chip is other people who don't know Chip and are forced into interacting with him.

But that would require show prep, and a Lauren-like producer who can arrange dog walkers or spirital gurus or whoever to be guests. You need phone guests and someone in studio who can play good cop (Anthony/Sam/Christina) with the "that's not an appropriate question to ask your guest Chip!"

Replacing that with "let's go around and see who our studio guests are and maybe Chip can riff on them" is a recipe for disaster.

I thought the "spiritual guru" was actually comedian Kate Wolff

I think a scripted show would be great. Maybe with some overpriced animation? I’m just brainstorming here.

firstly, it's a novelty it's worn thin secondly, jim is disorganized thirdly, jim's standup isnt good, atl all, ever. lastly, kinda anyone can be funny in the 3rd banana role he played during classic oNa. it's the easiest to tack on dick jokes and shit jokes.

Chip's an amusing character for 2-5 minute bits. To focus a whole show on the character is beyond overkill. I've not made it more than 20 minutes into a Chip podcast.

Over exposure. The podcast was great for a while, but now it's clearly wearing thin. Jim just needs to do a podcast with Ant.

The well is dry and Norton is hopefully done for shortly

I thought the "spiritual guru" was actually comedian Kate Wolff

I think a scripted show would be great. Maybe with some overpriced animation? I’m just brainstorming here.