is anthony an actual pedophile?

10  2017-11-27 by angelog4524


Is Opie an actual retard?


I don't know, but his brother Joe most certainly is not.

I remember he once admitted on the air that he would go as young as 13 if it wasn't against the law. Or was it 14? Who remembers.

i remember him saying that there are hot 13 year olds though like the catch me outside girl

It was 13 and Patrice was rightfully disgusted.

Every civilized human with ears was disgusted

He said the right 13

He wouldn't be a sicko for wanting to get with Danielle Bregoli, he'd just be a sleazebag

Which really probably means 10.

Ya gotta pump up the numbahz, a lil' bit lil' bit

His explanation of that made him come off even worse than it did at surface level. He defended it by saying "What?! Some 13 year olds have huge tits and killer asses and look way older!!" and either Patrice or Giraldo was like "So it's not even a physical thing, you're attracted to the fact that they're mentally 13." I think Anth responded with "Yah-hah-hah..."

He is, yes.

Yes. If he could get away with finger pummeling a ten year old, you know he'd do it.

dont americans make a distinction between pedophile & pederast? ie under the constitution it's legal to think it / say it, but not to do it?

Yes our founding fathers put that in the constitution

Our Founding Uncles.

The Fondling Fathers.

In colloquial American English, a pedophile is someone with an inappropriate attraction to someone under 18 (wether it's legal or not). Meanwhile I've always understood 'pederast' refers specifically to an adult man who's attracted to underage boys.

Well... a pedophile with a dictionary is inherently better than one without, 'cus at least the kids can learn.


I like the cut of your jib

Someone on here said he banged Bobo's sister when she was in her teens.

He's been caught grooming multiple teenagers on twitter. One turned out to be a 40 year old man. He's admitted to fucking a 16 year old. He was also following and liking a girl on vine who was like 12. He's a fucking ghoul.

Yes. I put together a thread that details his creepiness a while back. Have fun.

wow thats wild

There's nothing wrong with fucking a 17 year old, I hope. But you have to save the snapchat photos and videos on a different memory card or you could get in big trouble suuuree aha aha aha

16 is the age of consent in most other Western countries

It's 18 in California and 18 for photos and videos

It may be legal but it's still fucking weird for a 60 year old man to fuck a 17 year old. Also, at least in Anthony's case, he's grooming them well before that.

No he's a hebephile

He said he'd fuck a 13 year old if he could get away with it. The man likes his apples sour.

Which really means 11

If ya wanna get technical he's an 'ephebophile'.

If ya wanna get really technical, since he said he would get biblical with a 13yo, it would be hebephilia.

"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2]"

If you're attracted to teenagers, or anything with tits, you're not a pedophile by definition. I'm not defending anything, but at least learn the proper terminology instead of throwing the pedo word around incorrectly for shock-and-awe.

That's such a bullshit thing to say. Either one is predatory and creepy. One isn't more moral than the other. Why would you even have the impulse to want to be fair to someone like that?

While Antwan claims to be ''American'' and even ''white'', he still clearly adheres to his Arab Bedouin ways...

We know for a fact he's a ephebophile (15 to 19). Do I honestly think he predates young, prepubescent children? Yes. Probably at least once.

Jim is probably much worse.

All of his stories of childhood sexual experimentation (and abuse) with other kids in Eddison, New Jersey. The Uncle Paul character with his extremely vivid, detailed monologues. The thumb print-protected hard drives. The repeated, unprovoked denials of being a pedophile, like "As big a pervert as I am, thank God I don't have that demon," or "I can't even stand children."

I don't think he acts on any of these desires--just edges.

He keeps hard drives in a safety deposit box. Only Cia agents and pedos do that.

link pleeeaase


Never forget the O&A show where Ant, Opie and the guests all go quiet for a moment as they're all distracted by people walking down the corridor outside the studio. A Sirius employee who's brought their daughter into the building (who one of the guests mentions is around 5!) and Ant creeps everyone in the studio out by muttering "Man, just look at her. You can just tell already, can't you.."

Our Founding Uncles.

It's 18 in California and 18 for photos and videos

That's such a bullshit thing to say. Either one is predatory and creepy. One isn't more moral than the other. Why would you even have the impulse to want to be fair to someone like that?

If ya wanna get really technical, since he said he would get biblical with a 13yo, it would be hebephilia.