Bob Kelly is returning home.

113  2017-11-27 by RBuddCumia


He looks as comfortable as Big Jay in the water.

or during sex

Dude ya got your shades! You got you smart phone! You swim with ya shirt on and boom! People think you're a beached whale.

Ya got your phone in your hands, ya in the ocean, ya on holiday with ya family dude

Look at those Vienna sausage fingers.

He keeps biting them thinking they're food.

"Ah, fahck! Daaahwn, get a fuckin' bahynndaid, I bit 'em again."

"Ah, Jesus Bahby."



"I bit my finger man"

"I bet my finger dude"

returning home? is he just gonna turn around and swim back out to sea?

That was the joke, yes.


Big fat pig.


I'll punch your glasses off, you mustache cunt.

  • wheezy Jim laugh*

You missed it Bobby, you big fat pig.

Love that when you google the above, the Youtube clip pulls right up.

jay in ohio was probabaly the best caller in all of O&A

"ya....ya there man?"

That was the best most accurate call the show ever got.

Wears a shirt in the water.

He doesn't want a sunburn.

Then why isn't he wearing a hat?

You’ve overestimated the intelligence of this man

He needs to get back into the water asap. Mug is gonna run out of air.

Poor bobby.

He bit Captain Ahab's leg off, mistaking it for a meatball hoagie.

Fa la la la la

Call me Ishmael, falalalala... Suckin' on mermaid cock, falalalala... Blowhole right below my nose, falalalala...

Call me Ishmael, falalalala...

Suckin' on mermaid cock, falalalala...

Blowhole right below my nose, falalalala...

Why is he holding a pack of flabby hotdogs under his chin?

For quick access.

He looks like he's lost a tiny bit of weight. Could just be the high angle.

He was in between feedings.

Bobby will be appearing at SeaWorld this week, two shows a day, in the main tank.

Close your goddamn mouth

Great, he's gonna come back with a great perspective on life now. YKWD!

Cap'n, thar be whales here!

The sun really shriveled up his DSL's.

How did Colins description go: "He went to California as a handsome puerto rican and came back as a fat samoan " ? Does anybody have that clip at hand?

I'm pretty sure it's Colin quoting Keith and that it is "Bobby went to LA as a handsome Italian and came back a fat Puerto Rican."

Goodbye Bobby. I'll always remember this joke you told last year at Caroline's.

Who loves ya, baby? 

Bobby is the evolutionary guppy between whale and man.

If you look in the reflection of his sunglasses, you can see the refrigerator he's using to take the picture.

Ya know what dude, those guys from Nantucket will never catch me dude.

Lookin like a thumb & shit