122  2017-11-27 by 2hawt2sexxxi


He also said he was waiting until after summer. He's loying.

He's not loying.

What's funnier, him not being able to get work, or him voluntarily not trying to get work and completely extinguishing his own heat and vastly decreasing his chance to get hired with a decent paycheck?


This place will keep the embers burnin.

Let's be honest the suits don't know any different. He was still on a major XM show which is far bigger than most other morning zoo jocks. He definitely has some stature, even if he's a total hack to anyone who has heard him for a period of time.

So the simple fact is he's fucking up his only chance to get a decent terresterial radio gig, which he probably has too much misplaced pride to take it, after Ant called him out for having nothing left to do after O&A but 'spin records'.

Opie should have sucked it up and found something decent immediately, then if it wasn't as top tier as he wants he moves to something better after. But doing nothing, not even a podcast or anything, is the worst of both worlds.

I think he still sees podcasts as beneath him. Which is dumb, because he could have started one right after he got fired to keep the soccer mom and carpool dad audience with him. But they're gone now and I think the sub are the only people who (hate) watch his "pop up" shows.

It's really dumb, because if he started a podcast, it would have given him the position of power his insecurity requires to actually talk to people.

It would have been a shitshow, for sure, but maybe he could have built something out of it?

Hahaha, can you imagine what this place would have done if he went all out and tried to launch a podcast? Damn, thinking about that is the closest I've ever come to feeling sorry for Opie.

No. The position of power Tits requires demands a corporate environment.

There are no corporate perks in a podcast. Remember him whining about how Sirius took away his Extreme VIP Package immediately after they shit-canned him, because "they wanted to make it hurt"? That's the mentality of this imbecile.

With a podcast, every coffee, breakfast, and uber ride for guests would be on his dime. No thrill there. Quite the opposite for a skinflint like Tits.

Underlings would be much less likely to put up with bullying, threats, and humiliation if Tits was running a homegrown operation instead of working in a corporate environment. At a corporate gig, there's perks, prestige, the chance to transfer to another show/department, etc. And when the environment gets too shitty, there's always HR.

When working for the Tits podcast, there'd be $12 an hour and fuck all else.

Tits needs lots of guests and PayPals. How many of those do you think he'd be willing to woo and pay to do his podcast, as opposed to letting the power and pull of a corporate entity do the work for him?

Tits seems as lazy as he is talentless. He'd never get a podcast off the ground, let alone turn a profit off it.

He can't do a show without callers, and callers are not very practical on a podcast. I think this is another reason he won't do one.

It's like telling Ant to do a show without his fake laugh, or Jim to do a show without referencing ass eating. They have their crutches.

Sorry, I disagree.

Out here in Los Angeles we had our big radio show blow the fuck up, very much like Opie and Anthony. The cohosts hated each other's guts, and it got to the point where they wouldn't even do a show from the same ROOM. They basically got these guys an ISDN line and they did their radio show, but from seperate studios. (Yes, seriously.)

After the whole thing blew up, one dude started a podcast immediately. It's been years since he's had a regular radio show, but he still pops up on the radio, filling in for other radio hosts.

So here's a guy who used to make millions, and now he's been relegated to "the fill in guy" when someone calls in sick or takes a vacation day.

The closest thing that he has to a regular gig is a once-a-week guest spot on a station here in LA. When I listen, I feel so bad for the guy. You can clearly tell that he's talented, and he's trying to do his best, but the dude that he guest-hosts with is constantly shitting on his points, and is clearly threatened by this dude.

It's a complete fucking clusterfuck. There are basically hundreds and hundreds of radio personalities who've lost their jobs in the last ten years or so. And all of these guys are millionaires. And all of them want to get back on the air.

So they spend the rest of their lives trying desperately to get back on the air, while embarrassing themselves the entire time.

Radio is a dying medium and we're watching it's death throes.

Here's the DJ I mentioned:

"Mark & Brian entertained us for over a quarter of a century at KLOS. It came to an end last summer. Others have had a long run – Mark & Kim at KOST and Lohman & Barkley at KFI – but no team stayed together as a team at one station longer than Mark Thompson and Brian Phelps. Think maybe Mark and Brian have spent the last year reminiscing from time to time over a few drinks about their unique journey together?

That couldn’t be farther from the truth. “On my last day with the M&B show (Aug. 17) I finished my last farewells on the air and took off those particular headphones for the last time,” said Mark, from his new home back East. “There were many well-wishers in the hallway, so I shook every hand and kissed every baby. I walked out to the back of the building where my car was parked and found Brian and Jill Whelan sitting together. We exchanged nice words and encouragement and I left. I haven’t seen or spoken to Brian since.”

Same thing happened to Lohman & Barkley when Roger Barkley finished the KFI show one morning, took off his earphones, got up, walked out and never spoke to Al Lohman again. Apparently Barkley was just done. He never explained what happened.

For Mark & Brian it was just time. After all, they spent six hours a day cooped up in a radio booth every day for 27 years. Husbands and wives don’t spend that kind of enforced time together. When they were doing the NBC TV show, they added another 6-8 hours together beyond their radio shift.

“That’s enough for a while don’t you think?” Mark asked rhetorically. “Brian and I are both trying to find our own identities in the world of broadcast. I’m simply trying to find what my existence is now, and I’m sure he’s doing the same.”

Mark thinks there will come a day when they will sit down and chat and pick up exactly where they left off. “I firmly believe that he and I will stand side by side behind some podium to accept our induction into the Radio Hall Of Fame."

"Let's be honest he still has some stature " You're delusional.

you purposefully left out "with corporate radio suits"

yes they are famously delusional about what fans want, especially in radio.

Don't you still need ratings for terrestrial radio? How the fuck would Tits get those?

Even if he did manage to land a job on terrestrial radio, he'd never be able to keep it, unless it was a gig where ratings didn't matter. And if that was the case, it couldn't pay shit.

Also, let's not forget or gloss over what a PR and HR nightmare this imbecile is.

His age isn't exactly a plus, either.

There are no terrestrial offers.

Id like to think employers that are thinking about hiring him google what he has done recently and they find this place and decide its not worth it.

Nobody is hiring.

I can't think of a single radio personality who quit his job. It's one of the best jobs in the world, you get paid good money to shoot the shit for 15-20 hours per week.

Nobody quits, they get fired, and after they get fired they always want to get back in the saddle again.

That or they'll see his shit posts about him "working" and either think that he doesn't need their job or that he's too mentally ill to work for them.

Like some employer would allow a new employee to just post daily shit and take days off right out of the gate. He sucks a lying.

Hopefully they see this and think he's too high maintenance to hire.

You know he wants 7 figures. He overrates himself

That ember burns deep in his lush, full bosoms

Burnin' embazz, dvv dvv.

I want to see Opie be Scorch's new hole.

He's his own hole.

Next summer

Opie can't even get hired by his own brother at a restaurant that he bankrolled.


I can't imagine that dirt bag being around food.

opie cleans piss on the floor with the socks he is wearing, so his brother could actually qualify for tax breaks if he hires him for his restaurant

Maybe that's what he's been doing hanging around the cuban the whole time... trying to get him to quit his own restaurant to work at FH.

He's BEYOND that you DOLT!

To be fair I don’t think the guy wants to wait tables or have some kind of restaurant management gig, and he doesn’t need to. He’s got money.

He is a "silent partner" at the restaurant. So "silent" that I've heard him mention it on-air half-a-dozen times.

Gregg and Elmo? Lol

I hate Opie, but the silent part of that saying isn't meant to be taken literally. Just doesn't have a say in the day to day business.

I was hoping for news about someone actually breaking Opie. Oh, literal me.

i can only imagine how frustrating it is for his family every morning. this unshaven buffoon demanding "blueburries" for his cereal. leaves to spend the next 8 hours wandering around town trying to ponder the universe. comes home for dinner and harasses them with tales of his wacky encounters at the mall.

Sounds like a Jim Carrey movie. Carrey seen on the set "channeling" Opie by filming men shitting in the bathroom.

When his kids try to tell them about their school day he just belches, tells them to hold on and calls up Carl.

Hes raising a generation of supper kids

He's shifted into the grandpa years prematurely.

The man is almost 55 years old. There is nothing premature about his shift into a grandpa.


Now the blueberry is one that can't work on its own it has to have something with it like the kiwki it's not a standalone fruit.

something something standalone fruit

Why do you people keep giving this twatwaffle attention?

Because it is really entertaining to watch this narcissistic piece of shit spiral into insanity.

If that is your goal, then the best best course of action is to ignore him.


Why are you doing mysterious radio teases about your job on twitter you fucking dolt? Is his plan to wait until even less people care about him?

Because he has nothing. He knows he is not going to be hired as anything except maybe a dime a dozen DJ. So he hides this with vague statements or teases that never ever turn out true.

Do you think Howard would have trouble finding a job like this?

Opie thinks he has as much, if not more, name recognition as Howard does. He is that delusional.

Howard would never be caught dead doing pop up facebook shows "broadcast" to 5 people.

Howard now voices a cartoon cat shit on his wife's instagram account, reminding people to change their cats' litter boxes and such.

Look, everyone knows when you have an upcoming new gig you go into a media freeze.

Sure, maybe you talk about it the day before or something, but no reason to drum up interest when 50 cities (and London) will already be listening anyway.

Opester's full time job is now preparing for holidays.

Management really liked what he did with Halloween.

everyone was saying BOOO

Dis guy FAWKIN gets it

He was focused on it.

Maybe he can get a job at Michael's.

How much prep could it possibly take to make a meal for one sad old man? Ruining a good steak by burning it in BBQ sauce can't be that hard.

HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON! - I thought he was tweeting about his boss 'Dom' not letting him off a certain day. Boy he has really lost it.

That's the bit

He might have been fired again? Possibly another non-consensual filming incident?

Maybe that's why the countdown stopped at Christmas?

Next thing you know he'll be saying that he's "focusing on Easter."

He's planning on hatching those 2 titty eggs he keeps inside of his shirt.

We're gonna have an Easter Egg Cunt. Get it??!


He needs another month to build up his pop-up sizzle real.

Opie is a no job having faggot.

Anthony needs someone to take down his Christmas decorations. I think his decorator might hire Opie.

Opie is going back to regular radio; at best to work in the same format that Todd Pettengill has, at worst to spin records. Both are equally horrible and ironic, but its quite literally the best that Tits can do. I know radio is dying, but I cant imagine that there's any network out there with that much of a lack of foresight to hire Tits as their anchor jock (or their Stern). I just cant see that happening from a logical perspective.

Running a station is a job that ANYONE can do, that only requires the rudimentary basics of logic and reason, that every person practices on a day to day basis. It's not like being a doctor or lawyer or engineer, where you're dealing with a whole other set of ethics, reasoning and logic that we may have a hard time grasping. Anyone one of us can rationalize what a network should be thinking when they bring shows on, so to that end: What network would POSSIBLY think its a good idea to work with Opie?

I think you're giving the radio business and it's executives too much praise here. There's no doubt there is executives and networks dumb enough to think that Opie would be "their Stern" and rekindle the magic and popularity of O&A.

Except that they haven't. If a network were to really believe that Gregg " has breasts as a man " Huges were their " Stern " they would have put in an offer for him that he would have had to accept as the money would need to be high enough to " capture " tits before he was scooped up by another network. Given what bubs has been saying about money he would have taken a genuinely high offer.


Opester could get a terrestrial morning zoo radio job tomorrow, but he'd have to move and take a huge pay cut. He's not going to move to Omaha for a couple hundred grand a year. If he wasn't such a dumbass, he'd be able to get a decent radio sales or management job closer to home.

What color panties are you wearing?

nobody in Omaha, or Des Moines, or Witchita is paying him a couple hundred grand a year

he'd be an awful salesman. see: how well he handles criticism and rejection

management? because of his proven leadership method of "alienate management, co-workers, and underlings"?

I think one of the problems with that thought is that you can easily see Opie's youtube numbers to see his popularity. I could make a video tomorrow and get almost as many views as the guy who's been trying for a decade. He's got nothing.

I’d like to see you get 30k views from a shitty FB live feed from a restaurant you put zero effort into. Opie might be a hack but he’s not a complete zero... there are plenty of legacy followers that Opie built up over the years whether we like it or not.

The point is that they aren’t the hardcore fans like we would have been if he was good, so they’ll dwindle fast and quickly find the next dud to listen to on the radio. He does have pull but that means less in a saturated dying market like radio than elsewhere.

30k views? I just pulled up his youtube channel and I see they average around 3k...with the highest one being 9k. According to Youtube, Opie's success consists of a homeless guitar player and Jim Norton smacking around Jesse Ventura haha

Morning Zoo format in Rochester.

I cant imagine that there's any network out there with that much of a lack of foresight, to hire Tits as their anchor jock (or their Stern)

there is, but no fucking way it's in nyc, or any top 20 market. he'll probably go down somewhere in florida with how much he likes hanging out on the beach by himself.

It will be in Rochester

He has job opportunities, but he's just too proud & stupid to take them. Someone like Wease has probably offered him something. So instead of taking a job to make any money, he's playing homeless. I just want him employed so he can get sacked for something stupid, again.

You have faggyversary cake for the chippah behind your name.

What a bum.

He’s been so focused with thanksgiving that he forgot all about Xmas. Just be patient guys.

God he's so fucking resentful that no one gives a shit about him unless he's with Ant and Jim. And really, that's barely true anymore. Always been a delusional cunt.

C'mon now.

He just finished focusing on Thanksgiving. Now it's time to focus on Christmas. Then New Year's and after that Valentine's Day. He's going to have his plate full for a while.

What a fucking worthless, bullshitting ass.

Guess those Twitch talks didn't pan out. Fucking die already.


I really wanted to watch a live stream of Opie playing Frogger on the Atari 2600.

It woulda gone viral!

That titty nigga loying.

The Opesters in a media freeze, he's in talks with major networks.

Who's Opie?

The kid from .Mayberry, dummy

Nice random period mid-sentence, stupid nigger faggot.

If that gets me stupid nigger faggot, what would an actual misspelling get me from a herpetic leper such as yourself?

Can't understand you, I don't speak nigger whore, ask your mother to translate.

What’s he gonna do when he runs out of cash to pay child support and alimony?

He has properties downtown and on the beach, and is supporting a wife and kids. He seems to be stubbornly holding out until a White Whale opportunity comes along that will support his luxuriousness. No company in its right mind is going to give him an elite level of income. His wife has to be plagued by thoughts that she settled for a real lemon.

No need to involve Bob Kelly in this.

Hold my hand

Hold my fin

I'm going to go to the gym "maybe after xmas"

Yesterday I focused on Christmas. For about 2 hours: I put up the tree and stockings, and it looks nice. Then today I got up and went to fucking work.

Next after “dealing” with Christmas, he’s gonna say after dealing with New Years, then Chinese New Years

Sure, Greg, just like its Anthony's choice to be African....

opie cleans piss on the floor with the socks he is wearing, so his brother could actually qualify for tax breaks if he hires him for his restaurant