This Retard

16  2017-11-27 by crookedmile


Would ya?

I like short girls, and women are already stupid, so you bet your ass I would. Plus I could cum in her as I hear retards don't have babies.

Why’s it so hard to find downs porn?

It's probably illegal, but I'm pretty sure I saw some retard porn before. It was a dude though, I think it was on Ant's or Gavin's show. I've seen some midgets that look pretty retarded though.

Can they fuck other retards?

I'm not retarded, sir, I'm just very stupid,

Sure, I don't see why n....hey, wait a minute!

Them titties ain’t retarded

Yeah they are

Not bad lookin.

My normie, retard roommate thought this was hilarious when he walked by so you should take this down and kill yourself

I think its pretty funny, and keeping in the spirit of this Subreddit. Think I'll keep it up for awhile.

fair enough. I was just really embarrassed for a second there.

No shitty meme posting allowed here

Sorry..... 😖

Retarded women can get pregnant, it's the retarded men who are sterile.

I'm not making this up either.

Explains why I shoot blanks :(

Oddly enough, her Q&A portion was indiscernible from any other woman's answer to anything ever.

Such as, therefore, like, the Iraq

Maps are really important

1) Take that you vapid vacuous hosebags, someone clinically retarded is your intellectual/career equal.

2) In the group pic, I actually find the tard more attractive than the ironing-board model types who are all making the same practiced pose.

3) Since (((some people))) don't like eugenics, this seems like a friendly happy alternative... So as a nice guy, I'm all-in.

The talent portion of the contest was like a pie-eating contest put with a bucket of paint chips.

I’d enjoy filling her anus with jizzum. Twice. Double loads, retard.

Imagine how second place down felt losing a beauty contest to a retard

Harrison Bergeron ass mug.

Why are they giving her a standing ovation? Aren't like 90% of all children with down syndrome aborted? What a bunch of hypocrites.

If there's any reason to be pro-abortion, it's down-syndrome kids. You hear me, Opie?

I was at a bar this weekend and the channel was turned to a broadcast channel because they were playing the Bama vs Auburn game. She was profiled in a segment alongside a Somali woman running for Miss Minnesota and the angle was how awesome and beautiful they both are and how Minnesota is such a great progressive place. I wanted to throw my beer at the TV.

For the record, did she do anything to qualify or earn her way in or was she placed in intentionally for the applause moment ? Not sure what was accomplished here

earn her way 2017 Haha good one.

Christianity keeping retards alive since the death of Jesus. Down-syndrome and other deformities should have been eradicated at the turn of the century due to prenatal examinations.

I wish she had won. Because I would have gone to one of her photo ops in an "I'm with Stupid" tshirt.

The state of Minnesota is retarded.

I like short girls, and women are already stupid, so you bet your ass I would. Plus I could cum in her as I hear retards don't have babies.

Them titties ain’t retarded

Not bad lookin.