Most people on this sub would be shit friends

0  2017-11-27 by Gilgores_Trout

What a cesspool.


That's not very kind of you to say.

Just like it wasn't kind for me to flash my dick over at my favorite rib joint.... freddy's ribs.

Na, these aint your typical ribs. I may be white, but I'd go to the hood for these ribs any day! An ice cold beer and some of freddys lip smackin' rib rub under a nice cool umbrella on a hot day. yezzir that's I, the president, do enjoy most.

You've ruined something I enjoyed. I'll never forgive you.

Nah. Most of them know where to get decent drugs and are white.

What are you even talking about? This is what you can expect from a friend you make on this site, and nothing less.

Save this shit for your diary

Where is your holiday spirit?

You don't think a guy that would kill his child would make a good friend?

Personally, I never, ever would want to meet one of you degenerates in real life. If you happen to be next to my car while I'm listening to an O&A clip, keep it moving.

I would be a good friend. Get lost.

Shut up u fagot

Friend OK gives me money friend.

All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine.

That's nonsense. I'd cum in our mouth.

Fuck you, I’m amiable.

... well with that attitude