Chip Chipperson Podacast - 34

41  2017-11-27 by aPersonStranded


I like Chip. I do. But more than five minutes and I’m done. This doesn’t have much life left in it.

Naw it's not bad.

I think this is kinda over now.

Thanks for letting us know trendsetter.


Not till I get a Chip Chipperson Christmas Special it isn't.

Pretty much. The show dived in quality without Lauren for two reasons 1) the evolution of a relationship between her and Chip, which still had life left in it, and 2) because there aren't any interesting phoner guests anymore. It's just an hour of Chip going around the room anymore. There's nothing interesting in the show anymore. I don't think it's over, it's just in this weird phase trying to figure itself out while there's no "producer" to give it some life.

so he can't steer the ship

Under the right circumstances, I’ll maybe give it a listen someday

If love was a dollar, you'd be two hundred thousand of 'em dvv dvv dvv dvv, dvv dvv dvv dvv

Rob is considered the handsome stud in the Jim and Sam office. He looks like a 14 year old girl with aids.

He looks exactly like Sue Lightning. If I weren't a lazy fuck I'd make a side-by-side comparison picture and put it on a hosting site called "Imagur".

I came here to make some kind of clever "Chip got Sue and Ant in the same room" joke or something of that nature, but you clearly beat me to it, and you couldn't be more correct. It's fucking gross.

They even put pigtails on the goddamn fairy for fucksake!

Coincidence? I. Think. Not.

I noticed that too. Ant's gonna fuck that kid.

Gonna? He already did.

That's why he was gonna go to his pool party that one time

sue is better but that boy better get on T blockers fast and do the right thing

oh man I never noticed that before.Thats how Ant hangs out with Sue still without getting this sub on his case.

Is that lying intern rob from back in the day?

Indeed it is

Yes, you may know him as the kid who came in dressed like a pig that went in the studio saying "I'm fuckin Nagelin this bitch" and threw egg mcmuffins to everybody.

I believe he was actually nagelling this bitch, like a verb, rather than nagel in this bitch, but regardless his erock impression was faultless

Dat's what i said sock cucka

Jesus, I almost posted last week to say it was him, but I thought I'd look like a silly boy.

And Opie Roberts has yet to bring up either incident. He'd rather dwell on SHITLOAF hahaha his mom burned hahaha ha a cake hahaha.

Didn’t he cry on air?

He was in a bad place for sho. Erock bought him lunch the day of the pool party lying because he was welling up off air and then he wore the piggy costume in to work as erock days later.

Well, compared to Jim and sam, the kids fucking Thor.

Thor isnt a real person though...

Oh literal AlvinItchyCock!

Thor?! ahah someone has a crush

That's why Jim put him in a wig to ease his own transition into full blown (tss) gay.

rob means 'to steal' as in he stole erocks job..shinkle bout it

No Sam so that's a plus.

Tsss more like TurFUCKIN! DVV DVVV

Ant and his topographic map skin is looking mountainous today.

Denny read the Jim Norten article and canceled. Long live the pisslord.

I miss the nigger.

hopefully ISIS wont.

You spelled hate wrong

denny, WTF, dude? sure, it's cool to alpha tha chippa, but you're letting your fans down.

The lighting in that studio makes Anthony look even more ghoulish than I thought possible.

Why would Chip pass up the opportunity to make Anth the indian? Chief Jay Strongbow looking mugggg

Chip's Jim impression is quite good.

Poor person at the Walmart return center will wonder why the turkey costume smells likes spit and ejaculate.

I used to look forward to every week's podacast, but now I'm bored as fuck of it. The last good episode was the one where Lauren was killed off, exclusively because of PUA Chip. Jim needs to revamp this show pronto, and give it a sense of direction again. I'm sick of barely audible audience members participating in the show and Chip improvising with props. It's fucking boring.

Chip is boring.

He's boring when he's literally carrying the show, which has been the case for a while now post Lauren. But before, the episodes felt more memorable. I still remember fondly and laugh to myself Chip interviewing Bobby about his trip to Belgium, or Chip hosting the Public Access-tier 'AfterBuzz' TV pogrom, and especially the interactions with the phoner guests who gave episodes some kind of central theme.

If only there were a billion other podcasts to listen to...


The show was always this bad. You just like Jim Norton for whatevr reason.

Yeah I'm pretty sick of all the prop improv and audience members too. The audience members especially because A: they're all not interesting and not funny B: you can't fucking hear em half the time C: its usually half the same guests and D: they're all so boring nobody can make a joke out of them. Christina's news stories are OK but half the time Yimmy spends 30 minutes doing some classic prop improv and doesn't let christina open her trap. They need to find some more (interesting) guests and more gimmicks (by gimmicks i mean like that one time they did the madlibs thing). this podcast feels the same as like the last, what, 10? The only thing that changes really is the panel now.

and BTW they NEED to stop inviting sam roberts, that unfunny faggot literally makes me click the back button on every podacast he's in, I can't stand him.

Man this subreddit used to mass downvote anybody who expressed this kind of opinion. About time people here caught on.

My goose is cooked.

I still enjoy the Podacast but I think they should do every episode like the one they did in LA, with people (preferably girls he could appall) that don't know the chip character at all. That was easily my favorite episode. Sam had a really good idea surprisingly when he said they should do like a Flavor of Love type of dating game, especially if they don't know Chip. That would be fucking hysterical I think. I also don't understand why people act like losing lauren was such a big deal. All she did was like oh im sorry chip when chip would say oh my hat fell of babe. I didn't think she was funny really at all and was easily replaceable. I thibk Christina is much better than her and hotter IMO.


That was my favorite episode too, the LA one with the unknown chicks.

That singing girl was terrible though. My wife watches with me, and she couldn't watch the part where she sang. Even when she rewatches, she has to skip those parts.

I agree that the LA episode was by far the best one, followed by the live show. And I think people only act that way about Lauren because her leaving coincided with the overall drop of quality. Lauren sucked but the show has become worse since she left.

He wasn't doing an impression, that's what made it so good

Denny is too good for this piece of shit

Another forgettable episode

Once again, you faggots are going to hate on Jim's output because of the Louie article. I admit this show took a hit when the Lauren drama went down, but its still the best thing to come out post-O&A. It's got Ant and Jim in the same room, which is all we've ever wanted. Plus it expands on the Chip character, who we actively use to troll broads on Tinder with. Just enjoy the laughs and stop being faggots.

Woof. I wanted to shut this episode off after 10 minutes. There was no direction and shitty bits. Norton needs to plan shit again with guests who don't know who he is

Colin, Bobby and Bennington to Wil, Intern Rob and shitty audience members.. the Chippah Podacast is getting a little old.

11 mins in and all he's done is play turkey sound effects over and over and dress up the dull as fuck audience members.

Holy shit this is bad.

On god chip blows dick i dont know how any of u watch this shit

Jesus Christ I can't believe so many of you idiots are still watching this shit like it's funny. This is honestly the saddest shit to come out of the O&A universe, including Opie.

Jesus Christ I can't believe so many of you idiots are still watching this shit like it's funny. This is honestly the saddest shit to come out of the O&A universe, including Opie.

Naw it's not bad.

Thanks for letting us know trendsetter.


Not till I get a Chip Chipperson Christmas Special it isn't.

Pretty much. The show dived in quality without Lauren for two reasons 1) the evolution of a relationship between her and Chip, which still had life left in it, and 2) because there aren't any interesting phoner guests anymore. It's just an hour of Chip going around the room anymore. There's nothing interesting in the show anymore. I don't think it's over, it's just in this weird phase trying to figure itself out while there's no "producer" to give it some life.