Jim is absolutely selling Louis out but let's not pretend Louis gave a shit about him since he went to (((Hollywood)))

65  2017-11-27 by Single_Action_Army



Yeah, you're probably right. If these Louis stories didn't come out and instead came out against Jimmy, Louis probably would a have written a letter to the Daily News condemning him.

What would the title of the letter be?

Probably "Comedy Ain't Funny" or some horseshit

There we go let’s get the bit going

"Your Honor, I most certainly do not jerk off in front of women who are too scared to say no. Can I enter into a binding contract"

doesn't excuse what he's doing. The way he is aiding and abetting this mob is far worse than anything to do with loyalty. That he's publicly, actively, persistently smearing an old friend just just a detail, icing on the cake. He's falling into the same Trap that Louis did and if he doesn't shut the fuck up and reverse track now he's going to fall down that hole just like Louis did. (Granted it will be a shorter fall, cause he's a less significant comic/persona.)

That's the one upside of fucking prostitutes all these years. No woman is going to publicly out herself as an escort to describe the deviant shit she did for Norton.

Tbf he also doesn't owe Jim anything.

Louis gave Jim numerous roles on his shows. He also put all of his comedian friends on his show Horace and Pete. And apparently Louis called Anthony after Anthony was fired.

That's probably because the entire relationship was one way. Louis gave Jim a supporting role on a HBO sitcom, put him in a bunch of Louie episodes, gave him plenty of work over the years. Jim has done nothing for him ever because he's a self serving worm who only looks out for himself. Maybe Louis just felt he had done enough for Jim already.

What could Jim possibly offer him, other than appearances on the O&A show?

Exactly. Jim had nothing to offer and yet Louis was good enough to help the guy out. Might be nice for the worm to remember that.

Mostly true, but louis ck's appearances on O&A are legendary on youtube, without necessarily being credited to the show it was on.

nobody outside of O&A fans is aware of his appearances

Far from legendary on youtube

Actually when CK started to blow up, so did this place. Almost all the new members found this sub because of his show appearances on YouTube. A lot of them were forigners. So thanks for nothing Louis.

I see people on "mainstream" reddit recommending it all the time. Usually with a disclaimer "The hosts are pretty annoying and talk/laugh too much but Louie is funny on there."

That's not entirely true. When HBO cancelled Lucky Louie and he was forced to move back from LA to New York, Jimmy brought him to the show and promoted him like crazy and helped him sell out shows and get some views on his HBO specials. The Pest were all over his show and helped him get back on track.

You forgot to log into your Pat Battle account.

Jim did that to justify his own position. He always brings up that it was him who brought in comedians. It was a self serving act. Louie at the time was amazing radio. If anything it was him and other comics doing the show a favour by making it funny again as oppose to just shock jock shit.

This is bullshit. Jim brought comics in so he hand a 'thing'. He leaned on that shit for years. 'it was me who brought the comics in' etc. Everything jim does is for himself only. And louie would have been big regardless. His specials at the time were great and nobody outside OnA knew or gave a shit about his appearances.

This is like Walt Disney calling Chuck Jones a fag for liking cartoons

Jim traps women in the restrooms and listens to them pee.

Wtf I wanna try that

I love it when they eat their own.

thats an original take on the matter I haven't seen phrased in such a clever way before. Bravo

believe it or not rich vos has a cameo in his movie. this of course means that vos held the girls in place while louis yanked his hog

Jim Norton stabs anyone in the back who helps him.

What could Jim possibly offer him, other than appearances on the O&A show?

Mostly true, but louis ck's appearances on O&A are legendary on youtube, without necessarily being credited to the show it was on.

That's not entirely true. When HBO cancelled Lucky Louie and he was forced to move back from LA to New York, Jimmy brought him to the show and promoted him like crazy and helped him sell out shows and get some views on his HBO specials. The Pest were all over his show and helped him get back on track.

You forgot to log into your Pat Battle account.

Jim did that to justify his own position. He always brings up that it was him who brought in comedians. It was a self serving act. Louie at the time was amazing radio. If anything it was him and other comics doing the show a favour by making it funny again as oppose to just shock jock shit.

This is bullshit. Jim brought comics in so he hand a 'thing'. He leaned on that shit for years. 'it was me who brought the comics in' etc. Everything jim does is for himself only. And louie would have been big regardless. His specials at the time were great and nobody outside OnA knew or gave a shit about his appearances.