Opie is repulsive, but he’s been funny before

0  2017-11-26 by BlondeTittyHairs

He’s dropped funny and self-aware lines over the years, and I’m not judging by my sense of humor but by the laughter, so did he just get lazy and become an asshole or does he just dip and bob in and out of sanity when he’s around people with an intense self awareness?


We'll need some examples of said good lines.

I still laugh when I hear the oprah/roger ebert interview and theres a laugh in the audience when eberts talking and opie said it was probably a director of a movie ebert panned. he then proceeds to steam roll the funny into the ground

"A providence in Canada."


"I don't care, I don't care. My jokes don't go over, I don't care."


I’ve noticed a few in just the past couple days. Listen to the bob kelly pack that braunheiser put out.

Only times he's been self aware is when he's acknowledged how much of a psycho he is

How many hours of radio has he done? Even a blind pig will find an acorn once in awhile.

That’s probably right but I want to think he’s not completely lost and that he wasn’t a rotting corpse weighing the show down for every one of those 20 years

Fawwk yea blind pigs can smell truffles and shiznit too cuz

Ya wanna suck em?

I wanna get em stuck in my teeth

You are correct, sir. I never really have thought about water.

Okay I get it fuckface

Sniff. Fawkin hater.

Leave it alone!

As the show went on, he had fewer and fewer funny lines. Oddly, Opie's best humor never came from him trying to be funny, but rather from pointing out things in the room that other people weren't saying. For example, take when they listened to the thanksgiving song from Nicole Westbrook: he asked Ant why he was watching this video. That line, despite not being outright funny, did make people laugh because he was hinting that Ant was being a pedo. That was his strength.

Unfortunately, tits never liked that. He wanted the zingers, hence why he'd repeat retaded shit like "baby diaper moustache" and other dumb lines hoping to get a good laugh. Perhaps in his only semblance of self-awareness, he even said he wasn't supposed to be the funniest guy in the room when he addressed Ant's Greggshells video. If only he had stuck with that mentality, he might've actually gotten a lot less hate.

Oh well, sucks to be him.

Nah he just like dick but he can’t say he like dick

Yea, he definitely does.

Okay I get it fuckface

Sniff. Fawkin hater.