Just a happy Cohencidence

24  2017-11-26 by [deleted]



Funny how all of these outlets push an agenda for diversity, yet I don’t see many colored people in these pictures.

as much as I enjoy this, how do I truly know all these people are jewish?

I know. Americans have their foreskin cut off so we can't tell. Another Jewish conspiracy right?

haha well sir Im talking more on the fact that just a pic with a star of DAAAAAAAVIIIIIID next to them doesnt really get me on board

Does your computer have Wikipedia in it? Also, a lot of them have pretty obvious Jewish last names...

C'mon now, what if the nazis thought like that?

Anyone without a foreskin is de facto a Jew or a woman.

you can tell because they all insisted on the star of david logo in their corporate profile picture. I say keep religion and tribal politics out of the workplace.

did they insist that be put next to them in their pic or did someone edit it on

They definitely insisted.

There are some errors, like I don't think Scottie Neil Hughes is. But it's at least 97% accurate.

Go back over everything with a microscope and get back to me.

Check the past bin links shown in the pics.

Oy vey

They really are a hideous people

I'm just asking questions Joe Rogan

((())) York Times

You'd all be dead if it wasn't for my ((David))

honestly i think white people should be genocided just because they allowed this shit to happen. How weak willed are you that you allow yourself to be ruled over by jews

The one redeemable quality dirty muslims have is their hatred for jews. Both are dangerous, but at least towel heads let you know where they stand.